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Journal 02/17/02

Happy Birthday ___

My weekends have gotten much better recently. During January didn't really go out much, but lately there's been plenty to do. Last weekend visited Scranton and saw a ton of friends. Chuck had an awesome party and I had a killer hangover like usual. Friday night out to the bars with Luige, and alst night did some tubing at JackFrost with some bank friends. Holy shit, I never would of thought snow tubing is so friggin dangerous. At the end of the hill you pick up lots of speed on the icy man-mae snow. There's a 10 foot snowbank and some employees that are supposed to slow you down, but they really didn't do a good job. Over the bank is at least a 20 foot cliff with solid ice below. People were almost flying over the cliff and could have really gotten hurt. It made it more exciting and scary as hell at the same time. 2 people had to be brought away in an ambulance cause they collided at the bottom. Skiing is definately safer than snowtubing. If you have off Monday like me, enjoy it...8^)...Ev