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The United States is bypassing what should be the most critical mission in our war on terrorism, the Middle East. Since the Fall of 2000, conflict has once again began between Palestian militants and Israel. Over time the violence has increased to what is now a daily cycle of death. Each side retaliates more quickly after one of their people are killed. It must be a living hell for Palestinians and Israelis living near the Palestinian settlements. Why is there so much hopelessness and hatred that has led to thousands of deaths over the past 2 years and many years in the past? Is one side to blame? According to the U.S. government, yes, the Palestinians are 100% to blame for this violence. They have taken Isreal underneath there wings and supported them as a loyal ally for decades after Israel's creation post WWII. Having Israel as an ally is an awesome coallition, however we need to take a different stance on the conflict and recognition of Palestinian settlements as its own state.

This current escalating violence cannot be ended by the Israelis and Palestinian governments alone. Hatred and distrust exist in the hears and souls of nearly every person living over there. If left alone, the conflict will likely grow into a full-scale war in that specific region and possibly beyond it with Arab intervention. The world community cannot stand by idly while thousands of "INNOCENT" people die daily. The U.S is the most powerful nation in the world. Our influence has the power to contain this conflict. However, we are allowing this violence to continue. At the same time, the rest of the world is SCREAMING that the U.S. stops supporting Israel and get involved. Each person that's killed spreads hatred and anger farther around the world. Muslims in Africa and Asia having a growing disdain for the Israelis as more suicide bombers blow themselves up. Also, American have more disdain for Palestinians as more Israelis are killed from Palestinian bombers.

Most terrorist organizations, including Al Quida, exist solely because there is no Palestinian state. They try and attack the U.S. because we give Israel economic and military support. The U.S. has to defuse the Middle East conflict BEFORE continuing to root out terrorists around the world. Or else as more people die in Israel/Palestine, more hatred will spill across the world INCREASING THE HATRED TOWARDS AMERICA.


Evan Lowery