As the possibilities of the Internet are basically unlimited I like to try to find things that I like to show you guys and hopefully you like to see. Recently I had a chance to borrow a SONY digicam, which has the possibility to create little MPEG movies. On this page I want to introduce my cats to you.
The cats are:
 Bas, a big black and white shorthaired cat
 Dotty a bluecream shorthaired kitty with a bit of Abessinian blood
 Kleintje her bluecream daughter
 Hans a sealsilver Tabby Siamese
 Wim a seal Tabby Siamese
 Guus a chocolate point Siamese
 Koos a sealpoint Siamese

Koos Koos

Koos Koos and Guus

Koos and Wim Koos and Hans

Guus Guus

Guus Guus

Guus and Wim Guus and Wim

Wim Wim

Wim Wim

Wim and Hans Wim and Hans

Hans Hans

Hans Hans

Bas Bas

Bas Dotty & Bas

Dotty Dotty

Dotty Kleintje

Kleintje Kleintje

Kleintje Kleintje

Kleintje Kleintje

Kleintje 3 meezers