Steun Stichting AAP

Here you find all the links to the rest of my webpage

NYC 01-2001

A new kitten

Een nieuw kitten

A visit to Blijdorp Zoo

Ensemble Modern Duisburg concert september 9 2000

Ensemble Modern Duisburg concert september 10 2000

Hunebedden Prehistoric graves in Havelte

Co de Kloet talking to Bruce Fowler June 10 2000

Gail and Diva at 200 Motels concert

Pictures of Frank Zappa

Ensemble Modern at the Expo in Hannover

200 Motels premiere

200 Motels 2nd show

Ensemble Modern at Holland Festival

Metropole orkest

Spilling the Beans

My Siamese Clipart

Send a friend a postcard with a picture of one of my cats

Send a friend a Frank Zappa postcard

Visiting my Dutch SICC friend Hans

Bob Ross paintings

Animal abuse in KoreaWarning contains horrible pictures!!!!!!

MPEG files of my cats London july 1999 Alanis Morisette at Pinkpop 1999

My webcamOnly on when I'm online JAVA

Albany Kleintje

My Siamese Sam
My Siamese Jasmijn

Assistant leader of SICC trip to US

New Hampshire

New York City USA trip in 1991

New York City 1999 More New York pictures

Iceland pictures

sleepy cat wimMy cats

Frank Zappa bowlerLaurel & Hardy

wimother favorite animals wimmore favorite animals

wim3rd page of favorite animals wim4th page of favorite animals

Marx Brothers Spijkenisse history

Some pictures of Spijkenisse page 1 Spijkenisse pictures page 2

Spijkenisse pictures page 3 Pictures of Rotterdam

My award

Thanks to meeting good friends through the SICC (Siamese Internet Cat club) I went on 2 trips. Here are some pictures from these trips.