In februari 1993 Bas started coughing. After a shot from the vet and some pills he was ok again. On tuesdayevening februari 16 Sam coughed also. So I went to the vet on wednesday. Sam got a shot and some pills. I expected him to be fine in a few days. Wednesdayevening he started to foam a little. I did not realise he stopped drinking. He was ill but I thought it was the bug he had and gave him his medicine twice a day. Friday februari 19 I had a bad feeling when I was at work. I decided to check on Sam. When I came home I found Sam in a terrible state. I rushed to the vet and what he told me was a big shock. He said it looked pretty bad. Sam's kidneys stopped functioning and his chances were pretty bad. He gave him a shot of fluids and told me to keep Sam warm and give him a bit of water every twenty minutes.
When I came home I put Sam in a little basket near the radiator and .put a hot water bottle with him. His condition did not improve but I still hoped for the best. In the beginning of the evening Sam climed out of his basket, did a few steps towards me, fell down and died. My worst nightmare had come true, my mate, my buddie had passed away. I expected alway Sam would at least become 20 years old but he was 9 when he passed away. I was devastated about loosing my friend. And still 5 years after the event when I'm typing out this story it brings a tear to my eye....
Sam wherever you are thanks for spending your life with me. You were the best meezer anybody can have. I will always miss you.