In may 1983 I heard about a little meezer kitty with a problem. There was a kitten with a belly button problem. A hernia. As it was not such a nice breeder he decided the kittie had to be put to sleep. As I was looking for a siamese cat and thought this was horrible I took the little guy.

He was a very frightened boy. It took me a long time to make him understand I loved him.

He grew up to become a strong meezer with a lovely caracter.

When Bas came into the house 3 days later it was first a lot of stress but within 24 hours they became best friends.

We spent hours playing with a ball made of some tin foil. Sam loved it when I threw the ball away so he could chase it and bring it back.
Another favorite thing for him was opening the doors of the cupboards to see if he could find anything he could use. As long as I pretended I did not see it he continued. He stood up his backlegs and had his frontpaws on the door. When he walked backwards the door opened and he could search for goodies. When he saw I was watching him he started to pretend nothing had happened and he was just sitting there washing himself.

When Sam was 1 year old he had to be operated on his hernia. The vet told me no food and drinks for 24 hours before operation. So I brought Bas to my parents. And I locked away all food (well I thought I did). I had to bring Sam around noon. I could pick him up in the evening. All afternoon I was wondering around like a worried dad. When I picked him up a angry vet asked me why did you give him food? I told him I did not give him any food. He told me Sam has thrown up at vet. I was puzzled until I found out Sam mannaged to open a cupboard and steel dry food. What a smart kitty.
In 1989 I had to go away for my work for a few days. So I brought my Bas and Sam to my parents. My parents love my cats but they are not used to have cats around. They hade meatballs one evening for dinner. My mum was bringing the food to the living room. She started with the meatballs. When she came back Sam was in the middle of the table tasting the meatballs.

In 1990 I decided to get some playfriends for sam. Bas was only interested in food and did not want to play. So I went to the local shelter and got Kleintje and Dotty. I went back home thinking about how happy Sam would be. Boy did I make a mistake. A whole week it was only hissing and sissing. Finaly Sam decided he was interested in them anyway.

When Jasmijn came into our life in 1992 Sam was the only one for a long time who accepted her.
In februari 1993 Bas started coughing. After a shot from the vet and some pills he was ok again. On tuesdayevening februari 16 Sam coughed also. So I went to the vet on wednesday. Sam got a shot and some pills. I expected him to be fine in a few days. Wednesdayevening he started to foam a little. I did not realise he stopped drinking. He was ill but I thought it was the bug he had and gave him his medicine twice a day. Friday februari 19 I had a bad feeling when I was at work. I decided to check on Sam. When I came home I found Sam in a terrible state. I rushed to the vet and what he told me was a big shock. He said it looked pretty bad. Sam's kidneys stopped functioning and his chances were pretty bad. He gave him a shot of fluids and told me to keep Sam warm and give him a bit of water every twenty minutes.
When I came home I put Sam in a little basket near the radiator and .put a hot water bottle with him. His condition did not improve but I still hoped for the best. In the beginning of the evening Sam climed out of his basket, did a few steps towards me, fell down and died. My worst nightmare had come true, my mate, my buddie had passed away. I expected alway Sam would at least become 20 years old but he was 9 when he passed away. I was devastated about loosing my friend. And still 5 years after the event when I'm typing out this story it brings a tear to my eye....

Sam wherever you are thanks for spending your life with me. You were the best meezer anybody can have. I will always miss you.

A large picture (42KB) of SAM

© 1999,2000 Aad Hoogesteger