To Begin...
Breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically.
Open your heart to tranquility.
Empty your mind of thought.
Allow love to enter.
Now Listen...
Love is your destiny, your origin, your life.
You cannot comprehend it.
You cannot grasp it.
It has no beginning.
It will never end.
Love alone endures.
Eventually all things, all experience, all memory vanish into it.
It is formless and perfect.
It is serene, unchanging, infinite, and eternally present.
It nourishes worlds both visible and invisible, yet makes no claim upon them.
It existed before all names, but we call it love.
It is pure mystery.
When true love becomes present in your life, you will become genuine.
When it becomes present in your family, your family will flourish.
When it becomes present in your world, you will see paradise.
Nothing is more sacred than love.
The Heart of True Love by Marc Schevene - 1996
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