Shattered Dreams
It was a sunny summer day. She and her father sat in a small motorboat in the center of the lake behind the family�s cabin. They were silent, watching their bobbers for any sign of movement. The seconds dragged into long minutes and it did not take long before the young girl got bored. Spying the cup of worms, she began to pick them out and line them up on one end of the seat. She was trying to get them to race one another. Her father�s laughter boomed across the lake, but soon he was too busy reeling in his line to notice that the long worm was winning. He pulled in a big perch.
It seemed like hours before her bobber sank. Even the worms had gotten bored of the races. She struggled with a fishing pole twice her height, but managed to land a good-sized sunfish, without too much difficulty. �Big yellow belly, like the sun� Dad had told her only last year when he had taught her to name all the fish in the lake.
The Demon Within
The house was silent, even Lord Gastone had gone to bed, done with his books for the night. Jacob had retired hours ago, the last round for the evening long since finished. It was time to go, a beautiful evening for a stroll. The house was boring, they all needed a bit of excitement, and Gerald was only too happy to oblige. He would give them something to do. Lord Gastone spent too much time with his books and Jacob had only children to chase out of the orchard.