< a>



Please feel free to view our guestbook. And if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail the webpage team. And thanks again for visiting our home on the web.

Lee, Kyu-hwa - 09/07/00 15:27:48
My Email:khlee2024@hanmail.net
Moim/City: Seoul, Korea
Age: 20

Hi,this is kyuhwa... I have been to LA at last summer..^^ I want to keep in touch with you.. Bye..

Andy Joung - 09/02/00 11:40:36
My URL:http://wannacry.8k.com
My Email:all-4-u@sidae.uos.ac.kr
Moim/City: Seoul Korea
Age: 21(Korean age)
How'd you hear about us?: Kuwon Pa
Questions?: 74ls308


Sztrims - 08/23/00 14:55:12
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/ebctoronto
My Email:toebcnews@hotmail.com
Moim/City: Toronto
Age: 19
How'd you hear about us?: From You
Questions?: Is this site sitll active???



Kevin - 05/11/00 07:33:23
My Email:IbiG82@aol.com
Moim/City: umm..
Age: umm...
How'd you hear about us?: umm..
Questions?: no!

i want to goto this church too!! does anyone wanna help me? no?.....??? okay.... bye..

Yun Chun, Kim - 05/07/00 10:27:00
My URL:http://www.saebo.co.kr
My Email:kyc@saebo.co.kr
Moim/City: Seoul, Korea

Thank you for your invitation. Hope to talk everyone !!!!

- 03/21/00 04:18:23
My URL:http://www.USAthread.com
My Email:tajimaUSA@msn.com
Moim/City: la
Age: old


SOOYOUNG YIM - 03/15/00 14:57:50
My URL:http://my.dreamwiz.com/ebc5
My Email:tanny@netsgo.com
Moim/City: Seoul Youthgroup #5
Age: 27
How'd you hear about us?: this page is linked to Seoul moim homepage

HI, this is my first visit to outsea family page! I belong to Seoul youth group #5 and I'm glad to visit here. ( actually, I'm glad to find you! here ) . Please visit our homepage. address is http://my.dreamwiz.com/ebc5 byebye~

ellin kim - 09/19/99 00:39:56
My Email:ellink@eden.rutgers.edu
Moim/City: new york
Age: 19


ellin kim - 09/19/99 00:39:36
My Email:ellink@eden.rutgers.edu
Moim/City: new york
Age: 19


08/13/99 09:13:36
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Kim Yun-kyung - 10/09/98 05:34:20
My Email:christina97@hanmail.net
Moim/City: Seoul
Age: 20
How'd you hear about us?: from Toronto home page

Hi! I'm Yun-kyung from Korea. This is a really nice homepage. ^-^

Cindy - 09/11/98 09:35:06
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: I like this!!... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

08/31/98 07:21:37
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Keep up the good work Please visit my website too

Jacque - 04/15/98 18:21:27
Moim/City: France
Age: 45

Zeese page ztinkz

Dan Lee - 04/05/98 17:29:55
My URL:http://???
My Email:tskrb@shaw.wave.ca
Moim/City: Toronto


Julie Yoo - 01/26/98 22:36:41
My Email:cp794@torfree.net
Moim/City: TORONTO-DA best!!!!!!!
Age: 17`
How'd you hear about us?: The phonebook

YOur webpage is pretty good. BUt nothin compared to TORONTO's web page !!!!!! J/K N. E ways, hope to see the webpage after construction. Best of luck, Julie

Jenne Yun - 01/26/98 02:44:50
My Email:lepz25@idirect.com
Moim/City: Toronto (tha greatest!!)
Age: Finally 17!
How'd you hear about us?: Just did

There's nothin' new on here! C'mon Joe, i know you're busy and all but get movin'!!!! Ha,ha.....

Jenne Yun - 01/19/98 04:22:42
My Email:legz25@hotmail.com
Moim/City: All tha way from Toronto!!
Age: 17 (Soon!!!)
How'd you hear about us?: Rumours fly all over tha place...

Whut's up to evry1 in Cali!!!! Your webpage is lookin' alright. I jus' wish i could see whose faces are on the home page (aw dayam..) N-E-wayz, gotta jet. Keep workin' on it Joe, it's gettin' there.....

PArk JI HOON(ALVIN) - 11/28/97 01:58:07
My Email:alvinpark@hanmail.net
Moim/City: Seoul/inchon
Age: 19
How'd you hear about us?: somebody
Questions?: nop

Hi!! this is alvin from korea!!! do u remember me??? no?? oh no~~ well.. good works!!! beautiful web page... bye... mail me!

John hwang - 11/08/97 17:18:30
My Email:johnh@ebc.org
Moim/City: New York
Age: 16
How'd you hear about us?: From Duaner
Questions?: Where is the link to NYC website huh!!!!!!!!!???!?!?!?!

Nice page, needs some updating though. Hey! Where are the testimonies.

joo-seong choi - 11/07/97 10:16:20
My Email:dekiri@chollian.net
Moim/City: tea-gu
Age: 23

i have konwn this homepage a few second later. i was also born again and i am attending tea-gu moim. how's moim of your city probably you already knew that we face difficult situation !! we belive it will be better good bye !! joo-seong

joo-seong choi - 11/07/97 10:15:52
My Email:dekiri@chollian.net
Moim/City: tea-gu
Age: 23

i have konwn this homepage a few second later. i was also born again and i am attending tea-gu moim. how's moim of your city probably you already knew that we face difficult situation !! we belive it will be better good bye !! joo-seong

Dae Kwang Shim - 11/07/97 10:09:20
My Email:dkluvsbh@unitel.co.kr
Moim/City: Daegu
Age: 27
How'd you hear about us?: I've traced for a long time. Finally I got it!
Questions?: What are you talking about?

Hi! This is Dae Kwang. I was born again 1984, 8, 8 in summer bible conference. I've ever been to L.A. with Rev. Soh and other 8 or 9 College students three years ago. You know, I'm so glad to contact you guys from now on. If there is anybody who wants to correspond with me, I'd be delighted. Anyway, this homepage is neat and far out. I love it! Catch you later!

Jim Hyung - 10/27/97 18:08:39
My Email:jlee339@aol.com
Moim/City: Chicago
Age: Ah Juh Sheee!!!!
How'd you hear about us?: My homeboy He Cheol
Questions?: Why does lightning flash up from the ground instead of from the sky?

Hey guys! It seems like everyone is slowing down on the web pages. Maybe you guys need a little encouragement or spiritual boost. Just look at the picture of me in the Chicago Bridge pictures. That should get all you started up again. Anyways, I'm ju t in the mood to see some more pictures and read some testimonies. When are you guys going to post the testimonies up? Well, I miss all you guys and hope to see you at winter conference. Oh, as for you Donny, how come you weren't at Blue Oyster?

Smooth ^_* - 10/06/97 20:58:12
My Email:bf80496@binghamton.edu
Moim/City: NY is DA place to BE!!!!!
Age: 19
How'd you hear about us?: :O
Questions?: zzzzz~~~~

hey, nice webpage...whatever happened to mine~~~anyways, you guys comin' to NY in the winter? hope to see everyone there.. or at washington DC... missing everyone...Woo Woo WOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- 09/29/97 15:58:02


Dan Sztrimbely (a.k.a. Swoosh) - 09/26/97 02:20:58
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Hollywood/5092
My Email:swooshie@cheerful.com
Moim/City: Toronto
Age: 16
How'd you hear about us?: Word of mouth
Questions?: no, but I got some comments for ya below...

Hey! The site's lookin' pretty good! It looks a lot better than the first time I was here! Looks like Toronto's finally got some competition! =Þ Only one thing that I can suggest is that the pictures could be a bit clearer. Oh yeah, I can't seem to view any pictures in the personals section. Well, take care all of you! Lates!

Donny Lee - 09/25/97 01:40:53
Age: 19
How'd you hear about us?: Guess.....
Questions?: Looks better then Toronto's

Very interesting.....Much more easier to figure out then Toronto's....But still have a long way to go....But that' s the fun part....well then .....don't put on any pics of Jim.....Or else too many guys are going to check out this site.....Jim see you at he Blue Oyster...Opps...

Johnny Yi - 09/20/97 23:40:27
My Email:lyi@ucla.edu
Moim/City: LA
Age: 15


JoAnna Kang - 09/17/97 07:00:43
My Email:jojo950
Moim/City: Potland, Or
Age: 15
How'd you hear about us?: from the fellow bros and sis's
Questions?: is this gonna look betta than toronto's???? kekeke

hey, you guys! this webpage is looking great...and i do have to agree with duane....jeez, joe. i neva knew you were this smart. lolz. well, me and sonia will hopefully get out own webpage for portlanders. Yeah rite!!! well, i'll have to see for myself. we l, i wont be able to see this again..until the middle of november..yup, my mummy booted me off of aol....and this is probably my last day.... c ya. guys and keep up the good work! -jo

Suemee (smoo) - 09/14/97 00:02:18
My Email:jslee4@students.uiuc.edu
Moim/City: ChicAAAgo
Age: 20 (wow, I'm old!)
How'd you hear about us?: my bro, "sweetness"
Questions?: When did you guys start on this webpage?

Jus stopped by to say HI EVERYONE!! This page is lookin' good! Hope Chicago's will be up soon... By the way, there's a bridge meeting here on Oct.11 so buy your plane tickets NOW. j/k :P Miss you all, adios!

Jim Lee (Sweetness) - 09/13/97 23:55:05
My Email:jlee339@aol.com
Moim/City: Chicago
Age: 18
How'd you hear about us?: My brothers in L.A.
Questions?: Why aren't there more pictures of me? :>

The webpage is looking better and better everytime guys. Keep up the good work and always listen to what He Cheol has to say. Adding more pictures of me will make it a whole lot interesting!!! JK Hope to see all you guys real soon and don't stop reading that Bible! (P.S.- Where is that picture of the our beautiful moons?)

Sonia Kang - 09/12/97 04:41:09
My Email:Soni4ever@aol.com
Moim/City: da Portland of the Oregon!
Age: 16
How'd you hear about us?: sang-hoooooooo, wouldn't shuddup 'bout it! =Þ
Questions?: so, when's the next update guyz?

a real good web page guyz. i was wonderin when the west side would get one. toronto's good, but wess-side's betta!! maybe jo and i can make one fo the Portland Youth....if we had one, i'd know one thing fo sure...i'd be in a lot of the pixes. lolz. no, i was jus jokin there, but this is really a great web page. it'd be great if there are more testimonies tho...chop, chop, peepz! so far, so good. ;-) ~lotz a luv....from Portland

Nayoung Rim - 09/12/97 01:04:07
My Email:Nayoung1026@juno.com
Moim/City: NEW YORK!!
Age: 14
How'd you hear about us?: I dunno. =D

Hey! Wuz up? It looks great! NY's will be going up soon...add more pics!! Well, L8teRz!~

Jo Kang - 09/12/97 00:13:04
My Email:jojo950
Moim/City: Portland, Oregon
Age: 15
How'd you hear about us?: from sangbang, who'd been telling the whole world to see this..lolz =)
Questions?: so....how much more stuff are you gonna put on this thing? i hope a lot...cuz it looks great!!!!

oh.....i put my comment in the question box....but i'll say it again.."the web page looks GREAT!!!" =) i'm glad you got a web page for la, since there are a lot of people in the youth. (luckies...) well, i hope you put some more articles in this thing.... nd definatly more pix!! -Lotz a <3...eew...that's supposed to be a heart. from, jo the oregon gal

Eugene (EK one) - 09/11/97 02:23:19
My Email:JCrew styL@aol.com
Moim/City: LA - westsiide!
Age: 16
How'd you hear about us?: da brothas and sistas

pretty good man. Joe, i give you propz for what you've done so far. pretty soon, this page will be dope once we add more good stuff. 'til then, have fun, happy day! doo doo brown!

Kwak, Steve - 09/10/97 05:18:27
My Email:ShyBoy515
Moim/City: L.A
Age: 17
How'd you hear about us?: Fellow Brothers......
Questions?: n/a

It's dope.....THE BOMB.....

Kwak, Steve - 09/10/97 05:16:25
My Email:ShyBoy515
Moim/City: L.A
Age: 17
How'd you hear about us?: Fellow Brothers......
Questions?: n/a

It's dope.....THE BOMB.....

Austin Bae - 09/09/97 02:34:11
My Email:adbmf@aol.com
Moim/City: Toronto
Age: 15
How'd you hear about us?: ebc chat
Questions?: no

Looks pretty good so far

Duaner - 09/06/97 19:28:48
My Email:semocan@interlog.com
Moim/City: Kick'n it in TORONTO
Age: 17

Great Joe, I never knew you were so....smart (for lack of better words).

michelle park - 09/03/97 23:22:56
My Email:mishmonger@aol.com
Moim/City: new york
Age: 18

Hurry up and put in some pictures Joe! You can include one of me if you like. Well....I don't have much ti say about it yet, but I hope it turns out alright.

- 09/03/97 21:34:42


He Cheol Jeong - 09/03/97 17:38:41
My Email:natron187@aol.com
Moim/City: LA is the place to be
Age: 19
How'd you hear about us?: from ourselves
Questions?: its all good!!!!

Wow. This web pages seems to have a lot of promise and good stuff ahead. I'm very happy to see what the LA moim can produce when they wanna put their heads together and not goof around all the time. Well considering it was just started, it looks to be one heck of a moim page. But I know that we will need help to furthere hype up our page so i guess we will be asking other moims to help us out. I just would like to say that this page is a start to something big, and all things come from somewhere. Praise the Lord Woo-Woooo-Wooooooooo

Ben Lee - 09/02/97 18:58:12
My Email:96LEEBEN@wave.scar.utoronto.ca
Moim/City: TORONTO
Age: 20
How'd you hear about us?: Through the Toronto web page

Not bad! Ever since the Toronto page went up about an year ago, I've been wondering when the other moims (aside from Chicago) were gonna start making their own web pages. From what you have now, it looks very promising and impressive. Anyways if you need any help or ideas for your page e-mail me and I can help suggest some new ideas or whatchamacallits. Later

Taek kyong Lee - 09/02/97 16:12:02
My Email:tklee@ifree.net
Moim/City: Seoul
Age: 21
How'd you hear about us?: from TYG

Hello, everyone! I'm Taekkyong In Seoul.

Joe Koo - 09/02/97 07:45:05
My Email:kujo111@aol.com
Moim/City: LA
Age: 17

This is just a test.

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