It was the summer conference of 96 when I arrived at Highland after everyone got baptized. I remember everyone was swimming and having a ball. I felt like dong and I was really thinking that I was destined for hell. Most of my friends were saved, and I heard from Ginny Han that Carol go saved that year. I was sooooo scared and started to think, "What if rapture starts right now? Then I'm going to hell for sure!!!" I was panicking, and I started to cry. That's when Ginny came around and gave me hope. She said "Come with me to find Paster Son so you could get counseling." I was so desperate I just nodded and we found him in his room. I was extremely grateful that he would counsel me even after being tired out from a long day. He was just explaining to me, that my sins were already forgiven and that I was saved all along. I just had to realize it. It took a while of explaining until I finally realized that I was saved. I was just so grateful and so happy that I finally received salvation, I was shocked at how easy it was. I was crying from relief, that I was going to heaven after all! Then Paster Son asked me in Korean, "Are you just crying, or are you crying because you are saved?" I was so proud to say that I was crying because I was saved. I thanked Paster Son for counseling me, and went out the door. I was jovial for the rest of the day and forever after that. Ginny and I went to the pool and I was greeted with felicitations. Now my heart is at peace and I have no worries. LET'S ALL GO TO HEAVEN!!!