Other Excitement
These are the links that just didn't seem to fit anywhere else. Enjoy them in all of their splendor!
Darker Realms - This is a mud I can often be found. I haven't been on nearly as much
as I use to be, but you can still find me playing as Cyric or
trying to do something important with Ryath. Check out Darker Realm's hompage!
Icehouse - We all have our little vices, and one of mine is Icehouse beer. I love it. It is just so much better than any
r beer.
Forwards - This is a couple of those annoying forwards that we all get, except these are pretty funny.
Religion has really not been mentioned before now, and I apologize for that. For you religious folks, I really hope this page eases your soul a little. It's Jesus' homepage. Make sure to read the first Messiah logs and the Jesus collectables. Check it out for Christ's sake!
Games! - Kevan likes games.