My friends and I meet in various places, on the Undernet, ICQ, email an in real! *L* When together we chat, play sound files, share jokes and have a blast! When chatting on mIRC or ICQ my nick is MistyRain, Maybe I will see you there! DoeSkins ...She's from Arkansas,This is my beautiful and wonderful sister (and no sis I ain't wanting anything)You can always count on Doey to live'n things up and I can always count on her to be there for me.I'm so glad your my sister and my best friend,Love ya sis! ^Bubba .....He's from Arkansas, Married to DoeSkins(poor girl),Beware of this guy his tongue is a lethal weapon will lick you across the nose when you least expect it,hes a great guy tho!Everybody loves him,Love ya Bubba!{Click on Bubba's nick,hehe} Mercedes/Angel ...She's from Michigan,drives a kewl sportscar,loves playing the golden oldie tunes and always wears a smile. Love ya Mercedes! CrazyWolf ..He's from Virgina, Crazy is one of the young sexy ones ,enjoys matching wits with everyone and loves telling us how old we are! Love ya Crazy! Bill-the ...He's from Norway,a great guy,single and can cook(hard to believe eh ladies?)Soon as I get my plane ticket I'm on my way to his house for that gourmet meal he promises me!Love ya Bill! Leasha .....She's from Arkansas,doesnt like it told but she is my sister-in-law and one of my bestfriends,like my sis I tell her everything! Shes new to IRC figured it was the only way to ever get to talk to me but shes well on her way to being an IRCaddict errrr IRC frequet user.Love ya Leasha! Gem .....She's from London, a fellow Community Leader here in SouthBeach. I can count on Gem to brighten my day with an amusing email! Hey Gem, I'm still waiting on my pic of the 5 hunks who are gardners next door to you! Love ya Gem! Rebel and LadyRebel .....Both are from Arkansas and both kin to me *L*, I can't say too much about these two since Rebel is my dad he will he get me! Love ya Dad and Julie! Grim and Docia .....Yep! from Arkansas to! This is my brother and his wife, I know what your thinking, "Shes kin to everyone" and I'm sure your also thinking "Oh well, thats Arkansas for ya" LMAO, actually the reason is I got my whole family hooked on computers! Love ya guys![Missing Children] [Lake Applets] [Music Room] [GiftCenter] [Poetry] [POW/MIA] [TidBits about my Friends] [Links to Friends] [Amanda & Amelia's Room] [Kyle's Korner] [MistyRain & Hubby] [WebRings] [Awards] [Gifts From LOTH] [Apply For My Award] [Email] [PageMe] [Sign My GuestBook] [View My GuestBook] All Rights Reserved. |