To become a CL, you must first submit the Application . Once your application is submitted it will be reviewed and voted on, your homepage will be evaluated. If you are accepted, and approved by fellow SouthBeach Community Leaders, you will become a CL in training. You will be required to complete a training program SouthBeach Community Leaders have prepared to equip you with the necessary information for helping and answering the questions of our neighbors. Some Duties required of CL's are answering homesteaders questions through Email and help clubs, helping homesteaders get settled into their webhome, scanning blocks and alerting any sites with violations of Terms of Service. [Missing Children] [Lake Applets] [Music Room] [GiftCenter] [Poetry] [POW/MIA] [TidBits about my Friends] [Links to Friends] [Amanda & Amelia's Room] [Kyle's Korner] [MistyRain & Hubby] [WebRings] [Awards] [Gifts From LOTH] [Apply For My Award] [Email] [PageMe] [Sign My GuestBook] [View My GuestBook] All Rights Reserved. |