How to use your Filemanager and Editors

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ButtonYour Filemanager is your one-stop resource center for building your GeoCities homestead. Here you will be to delete,rename,copy,edit and preview your files.Go to your Filemanager Enter your membername and password and click Submit.The next page will show you a listing of all your different files. And the options to delete,rename,copy,edit or preview these files.By clicking the box next to the filename you will be able to do any of these options.When making your webpages using these Editors you have a choice of a Basic or Advanced Editor.The Basic Editor is for those who are new to making web pages and unfamiliar with HTML,It's easy to use you simply type text into the boxes provided and choose from a wide variety of graphics that you want to put on your page.The editor will automatically generate the correct HTML code. The Advanced Editor is for those who are more familar with HTML,You can use the advanced editor to create or edit your HTML/HTM files.

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Launched on August 7, 1997.
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