Money is money most everywhere you go. There are of course many different
varieties in both coin and note form. In Australia over the last 10 years
we've changed the notes around and even added a new coin.
Unfortunately I don't think printing these pictures out and trying
to pass them off as real currency will work, but you can try if you like.
I guess you could even make a set of play money, a fresh new look to your
monopoly game maybe?
The pictures are quite large at the moment (you may want to stop them loading now), when I do all the pictures for this site I will resize them so they are a reasonable size.
Money is counted in Dollars $ and Cents c.
The notes link to their alternate sides.
There is the $100 note
$50 note
$20 note
$10 note
$5 note
$2 coin
$1 coin
50c coin
20c coin
10c coin
5c coin
Some other relics from the past are the $ 2 note and $ 1 note
and 2c and 1c coins
The note now is made out of plastic with a see through type window in
the bottom corner.
The is a circle which when help up to the light forms a full 7 pointed
star. There is a water mark of the Australian coat of arms. On all of the
notes there is some minute writing, on the $20 note is just says 'TWENTY
DOLLARS TWENTY DOLLARS' over and over. On the $10 note the words are of
the poem 'The man from snowy river'.
The notes are also different lengths. The $100 is the longest and $5
the shortest. This is partly to help the blind in identifying which note
is which.