Happy Birthday
to my BIG Dog, Buddy, AKA "Budweiser", "Jacob", "Jake", "Jacob James".
He was born on March 13, 1989, in Ft Wayne, Indiana. We are the 3rd owners
of Jake-O, having gotten him on May 4, 1993, from a lady in Evergreen Park
(my birthplace, as well as the boyhood home of Ted Kaczynski..see here). So we've had him, by far, the longest. He's very gentle to all our
kids, and us, but he has bitten two Dutch-Americans on their respective asses.
And he puts up with our now-deaf Britanny-Lab mix, "Tizzie Lish" (AKA "Therese
Elizabeth"). He's 70 in Dog Years!
bones for Bud...
Buddy's Original Starring Role
© 1998, 1999 robsgrille