"I hold this truth to be self-evident..."

I believe that Thomas Payne almost had it right when he wrote "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and property." Thomas Jefferson also came so close when he plagiarized most of this phrase for the preamble to our Constitution. The truth is simple... We are not created equal. If anyone has a question on this, just ask anyone who was born "different". Anyone with a birth defect will tell you that they are not looked at as equal by others. Anyone of a different heritage or lifestyle will agree that they are not treated as equals. Even the women's movement, which represents a group of people who make up 51% of the population of this country will tell you that they are not treated as equals.

Being different myself, I know the feeling. I am a large person. Anyone who has ever seen me can tell you that. The difference is I don't let society hold me down. I refuse to give in to the mentality that just because I'm large, I am (supposedly) incapable of being able to do the same things other "able bodied" people can. I don't blame society for personal failures, instead, I get back up and try again until I get it right. This is the same no matter what the difference. I know people of all races, religions, lifestyles, and dysfunctions who refuse to let the past effect their future. I applaud these people.

Sure, I could fall back on the past. Part of my father's family is Native American, Blackfoot Indian to be precise, but I don't expect any special treatment or compensation for it. The people who took the land have long since passed from this earth. I'm not going to hold others in today's society responsible for the acts of their ancestors. It's like holding Dana Carvey responsible for firing Bill Murray. Not even close...

Now I'm not saying reparations are not in order for some. In my case, I see it as petty to ask for something I did not earn. Regardless, the point is fairly clear. Both Payne and Jefferson missed the mark. No, not by a wide margin, but they were off.

I hold this truth to be self-evident. That all people are not created equal, but that they should be treated as equals regardless their differences. It is the diversification of the people and their ideas which make this country strong. It's weakness comes when those who are part of the collective conscience refuse to allow their conscience be aware of the needs of the collective. We are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, and that among them are the right to life in freedom and harmony, liberty to do and think as we feel without hurting others in the process, and the pursuit of happiness without persecution for embarking on that pursuit. No, we were not created equal... we are all different in slight ways... and we can thank heaven for those differences which make us stronger as a whole.

Of course I could be wrong... but I doubt it.

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