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More of the Rogue's Gallery!

    So what's new with the loonies that inhabit Oakland, here you go.

    One of my favorite food stamp frenzy contestants, Comb-Over, was caught in a university building running through the halls naked, but he was let go with a warning.

Blessed:  Yet another of those wacky guards hired by my favorite security company.  This nutty mama is a tough one to describe.  She got dubbed because of the hat that she wears that simply reads "Blessed".  She comes into my store and stares at me with that special mouth-breathing look that I'm sure that drives all of the guys at the church socials/militta meeting even crazier.

Agents of V.A.G.R.A.N.T. (the Violent, Anti-social, Grimy Regiment for Anarchy, Nihilism and Terror):

Crusty McMumbles:  This guy is so dirty that he is gray.  Yes, he is no longer a peach-fleshtone, he is gray like his dingy soul.  One time, he walked into my store, and mumbled to my one co-worker and asked for a hot dog and a bag of chips.  She rung him up, then mumbled that he wanted coffee instead of the hot dog.  Instead of letting this filthy thing near the coffee, she ran to the coffee isle and got his cup herself.  After getting the coffee, he asked where his hot dog was.  After a lengthy argument he left the store frustrated.

Brother of Straw-Boy:  Perhaps the mutant's parents mated more than once.  One night a large, freakish dirty man came into the store, reeking of trash.  I looked at the man and immediately dubbed him Brother of Straw-Boy.  He doesn't do much more than skulk menacingly and frighten passers by, but because of the resemblance to a current and upstanding member of my Rogue's Gallery, he is automatically inducted as a legacy.

More to come.
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