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    Who wants to hear more about all of the people that I don't like?  Of course you do.  Well, let's feed your hunger for knowledge about the people who irritate me.


The Urinal:  He's part of the reason that I now lobby for pubic bathing laws.  He smells like an unflushed urinal, without one of those fragrant cakes in it.  He walks into the store, and people run.  And he claims to have a girlfriend too.  I think that someone has a "plastic enhanced" relationship.

All Things for Less Than a Dollar:  Only once have I seen him spend more than 99 cents.  And it's always in change.  This pervy little weirdo works at a restaurant up the street making pizza dough, and I don't want to know the recipe.  Betty Crocker he isn't.

That Cane Guy:  It's time for America's favorite game show: Food Stamp Frenzy!  He wanders around all day from store to store to use his food stamp card to buy stuff.  We ran out of the special paper that this particular machine uses, he had the nerve to suggest that a co-worker and I should walk to another store to get paper for him so he could buy overpriced crap there.  It's not like he walks all day and could buy stuff elsewhere, like a supermarket.

Agents of V.A.G.R.A.N.T.:  Who can turn the world on with their toothless smiles?

Sombrero Mask:  (With my apologies to Sailor Moon.)  All of the resident's of Oakland know his famous call of "Does aaanyyy-boodyy have aaanyyy change!"  The sombrero clad elf wanders the streets of Pittsburgh, beckoning people to put chance in his hat.  But don't think that begging for change is all this seventy year old has on his mind.  He also has a little twenty something filly.  Unfortunately for her, she's not amusing enough to get a name.

Mama Crack:  (With my apologies to the Mamas and the Papas.)  This is Cup O' Vagrant's girl-toy.  They come in at night and get their soup together, it's so romantic.  We've seen them walk down the street together, arguing who smoked up all of the crack.

Hot Dog Vagrant:  This stinky person likes to come in several times a night to pester and annoy all who work behind the counter.  He goes the I'm-so-polite-and-courtous-route to make himself a nuisance.  Yes, I'm dull witted enough to believe that he's being polite because he really likes me, and not because he want's free things.  Nah.  Hey, I have an idea.  Why doesn't he use that brown nosing talent to go into telemarketing?  Oh, wait.  That would be work.

Bloaty and His Magical Distended Liver:  If I only had a picture for this one.  This bloated alcoholic vagrant used to come into the store and play Food Stamp Frenzy, but then after a drunken episode in the store, he was banned for life.  One time early on, I had to tell him that I was engaged to one of my coworkers because he wouldn't leave her alone.  Now he's know as a bi-sexual terror, annoying both females AND males.  Equality for all.

More to come.
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