
February 5, 2000

Well, the ankle brace that I got a few days ago wasn't helping. Well, technically it was probably helping too much. I went for a run today and my ankle was killing me, the tendon in the arch was giving me all kinds of fits. I quit after about ten minutes. Damn, you try to fix things… [Sigh]

It's supposed to be my forty-five minute run today. I suck.

Other than the run, today would be spent with Ted and Allison. After a number of botched attempts at making plans, we finally were able to make firm at least the time and place. It would be 3pm today at my place. My place was a mess and I really had no time to clean it. I cleared out a few things at least. Ted called at about 2:30pm advising me that they would be a little late, arriving at about 3:30pm.

They did arrive at about that time. We chatted for a little while. We always seem to have some grandiose plans for the future, yet every year we continue to do the same things… not that I'm complaining about my job, mind you, but it is a bit funny that we talk so much about it and yet we just sit tight.

We did exchange presents. Ted being the birthday boy, got a couple of presents. I also got Allison something for Christmas. I ended up getting a Hooters tank top from Puerta Vallarta. Very cool. I remembered how Ted described their vacation there… Let's just say that he didn't describe it as particularly appealing. As a matter of fact they ended up returning a day early from vacation. [What's up with that?]

We then decided to go to the mall. That's what we normally end up doing… just hanging out. Ted drove Allison's car since both his and mine car are two-seaters. One of these days I'll start driving my camaro again. It runs right now, well… kind of, if you ignore the fact that it still doesn't go into reverse. What do you want? It is a thirty-one year old car.

The drive to the mall was uneventful. We tried to go the Store of Knowledge, which of course, closed down since I liked it. Besides, I was going to pick up Len's birthday present there and now I'd have to go find another one. The world hates me. I think there's another one at Alderwood Mall, I'll have to go there.

We continued walking around the mall. We stopped by an espresso stand and get coffee. Yes, if you know me, you'll know that I rarely ever get coffee. It certainly is not a morning ritual like it is with so many other folks. However, I do occasionally get some. I did today. I had an ice mocha with coconut flavoring because… well, coconut should be its own food group. Neither Ted nor Allison were particularly impressed with theirs. Pity. Mine seemed okay; maybe it's the ice. We sat down immediately in front of the Victoria's Secret store and the conversation turned to women's undergarments. Did you know that they routinely charge as much as $40 for a bra? I thought I was going overboard with the silk boxers, which hover at the $20-$25 range.

I didn't actually stop the Disney store. I know a number of you are simply paralyzed with shock. Truth.

We did end up going to The Great Train Store. Ted looked around some; he has been thinking about putting together a train set, but naturally he didn't buy anything. Actually, he hasn't bought anything all day, which seems like a incredibly unproductive day. Okay, except for the stop at the candy store where both Ted and Allison got some sweets. I didn't get anything, although the chocolate-covered coconut things looked awfully good. I could almost hear them quietly calling my name; they had a British accent (don't ask).

We walked into the FAO Schartz. What initially attracted us was this enormous stuffed dog. I'm sure he would've been pretty tough to fit into my car. I wondered out loud why they didn't have any life-sized gorillas. I've been looking for one for some time to strap to the passenger seat on my car. Allison and I did pick up some of the hand puppets and had puppet fights. She was playing the elephant while I chose the gorilla. Ted didn't seem particularly impressed. Sometimes he is just no fun.

We left the mall shortly after that. On to more shopping… We went to CompUSA. We, Ted, Allison, and I, are all computer geeks in different respects, so we enjoy looking for computer stuff. One of my computers is suffering of a curious whizzing sound which simply sounds incredibly wrong. I was fairly sure that it was the power supply. So I ended up getting a new one. Ted and Allison looked around and all they came up with are printer cartridges. Woo Hoo! We're exciting people!

We got dinner shortly after. We had actually made plans to eat dinner at the Mediterranean Kitchen. They serve, as you might imagine, Mediterranean food, hence the name. We had a curious appetizer, fried cauliflower. It was very good. I ordered the lamb couscous; I can't remember what Ted and Allison ordered. I do remember the portions were gargantuan. No kidding. Immense Dinner was exceptional.

We go back to my incredibly sloppy place after dinner. We tool around a bit. We even play poker for a while. We're nothing if not the epitome of excitement. I call Len, to see if he wants to join us for board games and or poker. He politely declines. We burn up the rest of the night playing games and making origami dragons. [I simply cannot make this up!] Regrettably, they eventually leave.

Oh, incidentally, the whizzing sound on the computer is not actually the power supply. [Sigh] So I'm slowly waiting for this computer's eventual demise. Hmmm… maybe it is the powered heat sink on the processor.

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CopyrightFebruary 5, 2000