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Personal Profiles

This is your chance to get to know some of the other Got Help? readers, and to get yourself known on the web!

Note: Due to the nature of this page, many things on profiles (such as favourite songs, etc.) may be outdated by the time you read them. Because of this, we have included the time that each profile was uploaded, at the top of each one.

Make Your Own Profile!

Meet Audrey Chase!

Meet Courtney Christensen!

Meet David McMeekin!

Meet Ben Butler!

Meet Chelsey Bostick!

Meet Erin!

We are always adding to this section of the site, and we can't do it without YOU!!!

Following this information is a list of questions for the Personal Profiles. We would greatly appreciate it if you would copy this list and fill in your own answers in an e-mail to us. Then, each month we will choose a new reader to center on. We will contact that reader through e-mail and ask for any pictures of themself or things they like. With the information that you provide, we will be able to set up your very own PERSONAL PROFILE!

Please e-mail your answers to the following questions to:



1. What is your name, and what is your e-mail address?

2. How old are you, and what is your birthday?

3. Where do you live?

4. Do you have any siblings? (If so, what are their names?)

5. What is your favorite color? LEAST favorite?

6. What is your favorite movie? LEAST favorite?

7. What is your favorite television show? LEAST favorite?

8. What is your favorite holiday? LEAST favorite?

9. What is your favorite song? LEAST favorite?

10. Who is your favorite musical artist? LEAST favorite?

11. Who is your favorite celebrity? LEAST favorite?

12. What is your main goal in life?

13. What is your main passion in life?

14. Who is your best friend, and for how long? (If this person has an e-mail account, please include the address so that we may contact him/her for more about you)

15. What are the main qualities that you look for in a person?

16. If you had three wishes, for what would they be?

17. What are the five most important things to you in your life?

18. What was your most embarrassing moment (if you are willing to share it with others)?

19. What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment?

20. Is there anything you REALLY regret? What is it and why? (Again, you are not required to answer this!)

21. What do you like the most about yourself? The LEAST?

22. Is there anything about you that you know annoys others? If so, what is it?

23. Who do you admire the most?

24. Who is your idol?

25. What favorite quote do you live by?

26. What is your favorite book? LEAST favorite?

27. Is there anything else you would like to say about yourself? What?

28. Please include the URLs to some of your favorite websites (besides Got Help? of course!).

Just e-mail us your responses and that's it! It's that easy. Thanks, in advance, for your participation! --- Vrinda and Andrea, Got Help? Managers


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