Quotes about Alanis

"She reminds me of me when I started out: slightly akward extremely self-possessed and straightforward. There's a sense of excitement and giddiness in the air around her - like anything's possible and the sky's the limit"

"I'm glad that we've all made inroads so that Alanis can a safe version of female rage."
      -Courtney Love(on MTV News)

"Alanis is a phenomenal talent who wowed the world with her style."

"I think she would look good with heavy-duty bangs. Her hair should also be loose and wavy in the interior. I wouldn't want to make her look like everyone else with layers. She should look sultry and romantic, but also eerie."
    -Bok-Hee Meixner, hair stylist, Bumble & Bumble, New York City.

"She's amazing. I really respect her. She writes from the heart, and when she sings you feel what she is saying."

"Unfortunately she uses her genius to encourage behavior that may lead to difficulties, especially among the very young."
    -Barbara Wyatt, president of the Partners With the Music Resource Center

"If she puts it down on wax, she's cool with me."
      -Lauryn Hill of the Fugees

"If we were to make a nail polish for Alanis, what would it look like? It would be gunmetal gray, and we would call it Torture."
      -Dineh Mohajer, president, Hard Candy

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