Song Samples

Solo Songs

Here are some samples of Mike's new solo CD "Pretty Girl". Convince yourself of the authentic 80s sound. Just click on any song, open or download it, and you'll be able to hear them if you have an MP3-Player or a Realplayer. Have fun! (If you have a slower connection, such as 56k Modem or slower, please download the song(s) first and then listen to it off your hardrive for best performance!)

( If you don't have an MP3-Player, download it HERE )

From CD "Pretty girl" (2001):

"Sidewalk"  (A 90s song in the early 80s style)

"Pretty girl"  (It's funky and jazzy! Yeah!)

"Driving on the highway" (It rock's!)

"In the snow"  (The right song for the cold season)

"Future 2088"  (It's futuristic, 87 years ahead of us)

Songs with Cheri Heat

Here are some samples of the CD "Indian Summer" (1994) from Cheri Heat. Mike was Keyboarder and Backing Vocalist with the band from 1993-1996.

"Hold on"  (The Chartbreaker)

"Salt"  (Australian rock sound)


Songs with Red Fox

Here you can find samples from the Red Fox CD.

"Lonely boy"  (A country rock song)

"Hier fliegt die Kuh"  (The presentation song of Red Fox)