Ok, here it is. My super cyber buddies page. Some have links to their home pages, some don't. They all have made my stay on the net an experience that I won't soon forget... Remember,,, NET BUDDIES, ARE THE BEST BUDDIES!

Mindi is a great pal from the land of OZ. She has excellent tastes in music, and like me, can survive on very little sleep.

TIMARI, Her entrances can make the knees go weak! She's warm, sensitive and I'm so lucky to have her as a friend. She doesn't have a homepage yet, but give her time,,she will!!

The Derby isn't the jewell of Kentucky. Learajo lives there! She can come up with some rather tasteful recipes for a laugh. Keep the Faith! Brighid One of Canada's finest! A goddess indeed. Brighid warms the heart with her poetry.

From January to December, Charlene is a joy. Button games and all-nighters are her weakness. *grope-grope* Honnie
She gave "Cool-Talk" a new meaning! Honnie is a pal from my early days on the net. She taught me the finer points of chatting.

nurse leah
She has the cure!

FlashRN is a special buddy from the frozen tundra of Wisconsin. it all started with a cruise...

Meet peg, another Hoosier buddy. Maybe someday we'll find a phone program that really works.

A techie in the making... AND,, she could save your life if she had to! *She once got me drunk on candies laced with Kentucky bourbon*

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