
Friends are simply friends
li vedi nel momento del bisogno
e cioe' al cess

A real friend should
possess the following requisites:

1. Be rich
2. Be modest
3. Speak good English
4. Speak good French
5. Speak good Dutch
6. Speak good Italian
7. Have good taste
8. Know a lot about music
9. Know a lot about everything

Those are the fundamental requisite to be a friend of mine. Don't be afraid if you don't fulfill the requirements: it is not important at all to be a friend of mine. I don't fulfill them myself, I'm very far from them; I CAN'T BE A FRIEND OF MYSELF. I really tried to be a friend of myself. But I'm impossible. I don't listen, I believe I'm always right, I cannot lose. And I am unbelievably boring. Have you ever spent an evening with me?

Lista di persone che ha tentato invano di diventare amica mia ma non e' riuscita a soddisfare i 9 requisiti fondamentali (se non comparire nella lista vi causa dolori e insoddisfazioni contattatemi oppure fregatevene altamente).

Milo Grillo
Kyara Grillo
Daniele Diana
architect, photographer, angry, belos de las muchachas
Edo Zanetti, physician, musician
Giancarlo Sapienza, poeta, scrittore, seduttore, preparatore atletico, ragioniere
Santi Adamo engineer
Dario Vinci
Nanni Busa' engineer, jugler
Marco Hollenberg,
Artificial Intelligence Scientist

If you want me to put some information about you on web, just send them to me and I'll link your page here.