Welcome to the Duran Duran section of my web page. What's in it right now? The big part is my music video pages, where I go through all of Duran Duran's music videos and provide storylines, analysis, and I guess even a critique. Because they've had so many, I have one for videos from 1981-1986 including Power Station and Arcadia videos, and another covering 1986 to the present.
Also, here's a "mash-up" I did of Duran Duran's appearances at Live Aid and Live 8. Sort of a duet between Duran Duran '85 and Duran Duran '05. It's a rough mix -- the two performances were at slightly different tempos, plus the audio quality of the performances were varied -- but still interesting to compare. See if you can pick-out which parts are from Live Aid-only, Live 8-only, and both combined.
Save A Prayer (Live Aid/Live 8)
Oh, if you want to know a bit about who I am, go here.
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© 2005 hofflalu@yahoo.com