Show #39 A Lover Not A Fighter
FRI DEC 26, 1997 @ Hollywood Alley
Original Playbill Comments:
"O.K., Pugilist fans, by now maybe somebody's clued you in that BOXING
DAY has nothing to do with clipping somebody about the ears with big red
gloves. Nor is BOXING DAY about putting rotten gifts back into boxes and
returning them to the store. BOXING DAY is a British tradition of sitting
at home the day after Christmas and gorging on leftovers. In a sense, that's
what this is, leftovers from my last two shows, the XMAS show and the Sinatra
tribute. If the Man Upstairs decides to put Frankie's lights out for good,
well, that's life. Let's celebrate like it's his last BOXING DAY and ours.
Merry BOXING DAY neighbor, many be your joys."
Of note: Shayne came late, leaving Vic to do "RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER" in the screaming Decepto style.
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