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If you're using the AOL browser, I must warn you that the pictures will come in least I think they will. I use Netscape and the pictures look fine to me, but I've had a few complaints about the pictures being "fuzzy" or "blurry". The complaints have only come from those using AOL, so that leads me to believe my pictures are awesome on (almost) any other browser. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but there's really nothing I can do about it except suggest you ditch AOL or download Netscape/Internet Explorer. AND, if you're not using AOL and the pix don't look right, please contact me. Right now, I am assuming this problem is limited to AOL. The pictures are crystal clear when I view them. 1. Geri in Velvet Shirt 7. Another Pic of Geri and Mel B 8. Geri Giving the "A-OK"