Saucy Lads Guests

Colin Albritons

(Guest Vocalist)

Colin enjoys quaffing an ale or two with the band and waggling his vocal chords in front of the microphone. Depending on how many ales you have quaffed, you may find the results quite melodic yourself. This whole Dolly the sheep thing is old hat to Colin, who has successfully created two human clones the old fashioned way. Like other dyslexic agnostics the world over, he is struggling with the age old question, "Is there a Dog?"

Teddy "Ace" Garments

(Guest Vocals and Bass)

Original bass player for the band, "Ace" usually puts in an appearance at the Basement Jam. "Ace" likes to work around high voltages at great heights above the cold, hard earth. Constant proximity to danger is reflected in his supercharged, dynamic vocal work and in a mastery of the "doorbell" bass style. He'll also come in handy around the lighting rigs at our next stadium gig.

Spanner Nicely

(Guest Vocals)

span'ner, n. gripping tool for working with nuts; person who spans.
Indeed he does, and quite nicely I might add. Spanner's vocal performances are nothing less than gripping and we are, without a doubt, a bunch of nuts. Your faithful scribe never passes up an opportunity for a double entendre, either.

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