Chapter 3

A.J and I chatted about many thingz. He waz completely adorable. I waz laughing evry second at him. His sense of humor is probably his best trait as for as his personality goez. Hopefully I'll get to know him better and discover more admirable traitz he posesses.

"So....ur from the U.S right?" he asked as I kicked sand into the water.

I nodded. "I'm just here to get away from it all..." I smiled weakly.

"Get away from what?" he asked again while looking at me curiously.

I sighed waz I going to explain to him my pain and can I put them into wordz? I slowly turned to meet his longing gaze...."Evrything." I whispered truthfully.

He gave me a puzzled look..a look I knew would come after I answered his question. I watched him struggle to understand..the many troubled expressionz he threw..."Hahaha...don't try to understand it or comprehend what I just told you...." I laughed. "There are just somethingz that can't be explained.." I reasoned.

He smiled at me....atleast he understood me then. I blushed at his flirtatious smile and turned away from him. He chuckled at tha redness of my cheekz.

"Ur so cute when u do that.." he commented again.

I laughed at his straight-fowardness and once again...redness and pink flourished over my usual light-olive/tan/yellow complexion.

I watched and waited for something to happen......anything to happen. Tha silence waz eerie and unbearable. I finally raised my arm to notice that my watch showed 12:15. I breathed the warm scent of the ocean one last time and I turned to head home. I felt a strong hand take hold of mine. I waz startled and turned to see....

"Where r u going?" he asked while looking into my eyez. I've noticed that since we met..his eyez were alwayz searching mine.

"Home.." I smiled. He nodded....and slowly he let his head drop along with his hand. I looked at him with curiousness...waz it something I said? I slowly took his hand in mine..which cause a great suprise in his solemn figure. He allowed me to take it further into my palm...."What'z wrong?" I asked quietly as if I waz asking a sad child.

All he did waz entangle his fingerz with mine and once again stare into my eyez. I too got lost in his warm brown onez. The curly lashes that flapped over them when ever he blinked were beautiful. Slowly a tear trickled down from his eyez and left a trail along his cheek to his chin. And finally it fell. I felt a sudden drop of warm liquid on my hand and looked down. His tear layed still on my hand....streaming all sortz of colorz when it waz hit my the reflection of the shining sun. Now i waz really confused....did I cause that tear to fall?..."Ok...tell me what'z wrong...did I do or say something?" I asked quickly.

He nodded.."'z not u...I just have a past that hauntz.." he answered quietly while looking away from my eyez as if he now wanted to avoid my gaze.

I stood there and waited....his hand in see if he'll ever look me in the eyez again. I waited..and waited...he kept his gaze on the never ending ocean.

Fustrated and worried.. I slowly raised my hand to guide his handsome face to look in mine. As my hand touched his cheek..I felt facial hair..and warm skin. Skin that once again was wet with tears. He waz crying again. I left my hand there..and soon his joined mine. His larger hand practically covered mine. Still not letting my hand fall from his face..he turned to me with pained and questioning eyez. I raised both of my armz to wipe his tearz away. He stood there..and let me do whatever I pleased.

After drying all tha tears that were visible...I brought my handz down again. I tried to smile at him...showing that whatever pain he flet and for whatever reason..I sympthathized for him greatly.

He still had no expression on his face...and that made my heart drop in a beat. Why did I care so much for this person? He waz handsome..funny...sweet...and caring. A guy every gurl hopez for when they speak of their fantasy boyfriend. Waz I in love? couldn't be...he barely knowz me..and I don't know much about him. But that feeling that washez over me when he smilez...tha way my heart flutterz when we touched.... tha way my breathing getz heavier when he lookz into my eyez.. and when I'm lost in his....had to be something.

Once again I find ourselvez in a staring contest. "I don't know what'z bothering you....or what ur feeling...but I hope u do get better and smile once more.." I trailed on as I slowly slipped my handz out of his grasp. He looked down at our handz that soon parted...and looked back up at me.

I searched hiz eyez once more and turned to walk away. I slowly let my usual stride of walking take place....and with every stride I took..the more hurt I felt.....he didn't call for me to come back.

I sighed heavily as I approached tha doorz to tha door to the condo building. I thought I actually cleared my mind....but... tha more I thought about why he waz crying..and why he felt so sad when I turn to walk away alwayz bothering me and clouded my mind. I had to leave....I needed to get back to my old life. I need to leave my fustrationz with this man behind. I made up my mind...I had to leave Milan. Today.

I slowly sled my key into tha lock and stepped inside. looking around tha place for tha last time..I rushed into my bedroom to pack.

After all that waz done...I turned down all tha lightz and headed out the door. As I locked it.."Well..hey now..." a familiar voice said. I turned around...and smiled. "Hey ya been?" I asked.

He grinned..."Aight I guess..." He looked down and saw my luggage.."Leaving already?" he asked while looking back up at me.

"Uh huh...I think I'm starting to miss my old life.." I smiled.

He nodded.

"Well..I should get going...but hey..I'll tell ya what..if u ever go back to tha me sometime..or whenever ya want would be cool." I suggested as I handed him my cell phone card.

He nodded and took tha lil piece of paper and looked it over. "Will do...we'll become palz...hahaha" he laughed.

I laughed along with him.." That would be tight..aight.,.I gotta go k?" I commented and he pulled me in for a hug. As we released..he waved to me and out tha door I went. I opened my car trunk and threw my luggage in.

Starting up the engine ..i pulled my cell and called my dad.

"Hello...Mr. Mottzi's can I asisst u?" tha lady asked. It waz obvious that she waz my dad'z secretary.

"Hi..can I speak to my father please?" I asked nicely.

"Of course Ms. Mottzi..please hold on a moment" she asked and I heard a click...soon elevator music waz all that waz heard from tha other line.

"Hi sweetheart!!" my dad exclaimed on the other line.

"Hey ya been?" I asked while smiling.

"Fine sweetheart..." he answered.

"Daddy..I'm going home there n e way u could send a jet to take me back home?" I asked.

"Sure honey...there'z already one at tha airport hangover.. but why r u coming home so soon..u've only been there for about 4 dayz.." my dad replied.

"Ohhh..well..I missed u and mom...I just wanted to get back..and see all my friendz again.." I lied. I hated lying to my parentez..but sometimez it waz necessary.

"Sure love....I'll notify tha airport..and u'll be home in no time.." my dad replied.

"Ok ya!" I exclaimed and clicked tha flap to my cell.

When I pulled into the dad'z workerz took my car and sent it to tha Overseaz Shipping Department. I boarded tha private jet and sat back comfortably. "Are you ok Ms. Mottzi?" tha bodygaurd asked as he sat in tha seat across from me.

"I'm fine Aundre...let'z just get this baby in tha air..I'm longing for home.." I smiled. He smiled in return and soon we lifted off............

I woke up at the sound of my bodygaurd bustling about...I guess he waz trying to grab all my damn bagz. I stretched my armz out and sat up to watch him continuously walk around frantically with an amused look on my face. When he finally noticed me watching him..he slowed his pace down a notch. "We here already?" I asked while he sat back down.

"Yup...I think we're landing in New york in about 10 minutez..." he reminded me. I nodded and peered out my plane window...I wonder what he'z doing rite now......

~~ A.J~~

After she waz completely out of site..I sat around in tha sand to think a little more. I dunno why she cared so much....we barely knew each other. But it did make me really happy to be able to talk to her.....

I finally got up off my ass and walked back towardz my use in stayin if she waz gone. I walked along the hallz of the seperate roomz and couldn't help but wonder which one of them she stayed in.

"Hey Bone...where ya been?" Nick asked as I got closer to our room.

"Out..ya know..tha usual...what'z that in ur hand?" I asked back when I noticed a type of card in his handz.

Nick fanned tha card against his face and smiled...I automatically waz a gurlz number. "Is she pretty?" I asked interested.

"She'z beautiful...." he grinned dreamily.

I laughed lightly and passed him to get into tha room. We'd be leaving this place for New York tommorow so my clothez were already in my bag next to my bed.

I walked back into the living room to see Kevin watching an Italian Soap Opera that I knew he couldn't understand. Plopping down roughly next to him...I sighed intensely...I couldn't get her out of my mind. Kevin looked over at me curiously...." U think u can sit down n e harder?" he joked. I looked over at him with no expression at all..."Ok..wazzup Bone?... R u still not over her yet?" he asked me calmly.

I nodded..."I guess it'z that...but I had a long day.." I sighed while staring blankly at tha T.V screen.

"Uh huh..sure..whatever u say.." Kevin mused while turning his attention back to tha T.V show he waz watching.

Tha rest of tha nite dragged on as usual...I either just sat around..or ate. But tha one person that wouldn't get out of my mind waz her..CaSarra. "Pretty name.." I grinned to myself. It'z weird how her name waz flying thru my mind all freakin day and it'z just hit that it waz a pretty name. I wonder about myself sometimez.

I finally got bored of eating my ice cream and made my way to my bedroom to lay down. I starred up to tha ceiling...tha fan waz spinning monotonously and it made me dizzy. I looked straight to tha wall....still imagez of her smile...and luring eyez alwayz came to my attention. "You got it bad Bone..." I laughed at myself while reaching over to turn off tha bedlamp. I had a restless sleep....but when a dream of CaSarra came into view..I suddenly expierienced immense peace.......

~~ CaSarra~~

"CaSarra?..Sarra?..We here.." I heard Aundre'z voice. I shook out of my deep trance over A.J and looked up at him. "I got ur bagz already...we hafta unboard now.." he informed me.

I nodded and got up. As I walked out of tha jet and onto tha stepz that headed downward..I heard my mother'z voice.."CaSarra! Welcome back baby!!" she exclaimed while pulling me into a warm embrace. I gladly hugged her back and she pulled away to look at me face to face.

I smiled widely.."Hi mommy..miss me?" I joked.

She laughed lightly.."More than u can imagine." she answered with a grin. "Well come on sweetie...a car'z waiting for us outside..." she commented.

We made our way out into tha open parking lot and approached a stretched black limo. Aundre opened tha doorz for tha both of us and I thanked him with a smile. He winked back and shut tha door.

" waz Italy?...Waz it peaceful enuff for u hunny?" my mom asked while we rode an office building in tha city.

"Yup...I got a chance to clear my mind...thanx for lettin me stay there mommy.." I gushed.

My mom smiled..."Anytime sweetheart...just remeber that evrything that is our' ur'z also..." she explained.

I simply nodded and watched busy people carrying suitcasez walk along tha crowded srteetz. I felt tha car come to a slow stop and tha door opened. Tha light that poured into tha car waz almost blinding..but I continued my way out tha door anywayz. I stood there..and looked up. "Dang mom..this place is daddy in there?" I asked while looking back at my mom who waz chatting on her cell.

My mom looked up at me and put her hand over the reciever. "Yes dear...why dontcha go on up....Aundre?..Take her will ya?" my mom suggested.

Aundre respectfully nodded and motioned me to follow him. We came to a blonde middle aged lady working tha front desk...she looked up from her paper work and greeted us with a warm smile. I smiled back.."How may I help you?" she asked while removing her glassez to reveal her blue eyez.

"Yes..we're here to see Mr. Mottzi..he should be in a conference right now.." Aundre stated. Tha lady nodded and told us to go on into tha elevator and stop at the 12th floor.

We finally reached tha 12th floor and were meeted by a nicely furnished office room. We walked further down the hallway and I happened to catch a glimpse of some record plaquez hanging nicely on tha pale colored wallz.

We soon reached a pair of Oak Wood double doorz and that had a golden sign that read : The Firm INC. I wonder what this waz all about. Aundre opened the door for me and soon a long table of business men and women chatted amonst themselvez. At the very far end waz seated my father. When they heard the door open..all their attention waz directly on me. I stood there awkwardly a moment and soon cracked a forced smile. "Hunny!!..welcome back..come here and give ur old Popz a hug huh?" my dad belowed and I cheerfully obliged.

I jogged my way down tha endless room and soon waz caught in a bear hug in my father'z armz. He stood up ...."Ladiez and Gentlemen..may I introduce my lovley daughter..CaSarr.." he annonced. I waz greeted with a ring of helloz and Hi'z. I simply smiled and waved a weak wave. I waz so nervous.

I sat in an empty chair while they talked and prety much zoned out. I did over hear partz and bitz of their conversationz but I didn't quite clearly understand what they were discussing. This building actually waz called The Firm like I read outside tha door.

My dad waz voted to become president of this company. The Firm waz a managing company in tha music business. So that meant they managed singing groupz and singerz.

After all that waz said and dad waz officially announced the president of that particular company. I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder and i looked up to find my dad'z warm smile peering down at me. "We better get going baby.." he suggested and we made our way down to tha waiting car.

We soon reached a nice complex. My daddy and I stepped out of tha long car and made our way up tha building. As we got inside..we were greeted by my mom. "I got tha job hunny..I now hafta run The firm.." my dad smiled to my mom.

My mom clapped and cheered. I didn't quite know why they were so excited because my parentz were already busy and wealthy people..but i shrugged it off and went into my room at where my bagz were waiting for me at tha foot of my bed.

I sighed and plopped down on my bed..thoughtz of A.J soon flooded my mind..again for like tha one millionth time that day.

I must off dosed off for awhile when all of a sudden I heard my cell ringing: "Hello?" I answered a lil groggily.

"Hey gurl!!..Guess who?" tha male voice exclaimed.

"Hahaha...hey Nick..wazzup?" I replied while laughing.

"Nuthin..just chillin in a hotel..." he responded calmly.

"Oh really?..where?.." I asked curiously...How did he leave Italy so soon.

"NYC big BAby!!!" he screamed. That caused me to laugh harder.

"Really?..Dang..We should go clubbin sometimez.." I suggested while lying on my stomach.

"For realz?..How?" he asked hurriedly.

"Cause i'm new York too!!" I laughed.

"Nuh uh...u playin.." he smiled.

" dad'z on business and I'm stayin here for awhile.. but I don't know how long tho." I stated.

"That'z cool..well I gottz go k?..I'll call ya laterz.." he said.

"Sure Nick..peace.." I said and hung up with a smile. If that'z not a freakin coincidence...I don't know what is.

~~ Tha Boyz~~

Nick hung up his cell and finished getting dressed to go clubbing. He and tha rest of tha guyz just arrived about 3 hourz ago in New York..and evryone agreed to go clubbin. Their management informed them that they elected a new President for The Firm..and they felt that All their clientz should meet him.

"Hey Nicky!!..Who were ya talkin to?" Brian asked while walking into tha room all dulled up.

Nick grinned.."A pal.." he answered.

Brian rolled his eyez and left. Nick finished dressing and scurried down tha hall to tha lobby. Once he spotted the guyz.. "Hey..where r we going again?" he asked.

"Ummm.. I think it'z called Galaxia.." Kevin grinned while brushing off his sports coat.

A.J stood there..not really paying attention to what waz going on....he felt bad that he didn't atleast say his last goodbye to CaSarra..maybe then he would of asked for her number to keep in touch. But their flight left really early and their time got crucial and lessened."Maybe this club will get her off of my mind for awhile....." A.J thought to himself as he and the guyz climbed into the limo........

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