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Note: Live MP3's will never host illegal music. There are only live performances. Live endorse's the distribution of their live recordings, as long as you do not dist- ribute their studio work (albums) or charge a fee for performing such distribu- tion. Don't sell their music, please. Any money you make incidentally from owning or distributing such live recordings should be given to charity.
The 9th of March 1997, Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA.
1997, Secret Samadhi World tour. 2nd of April, Longhorn, Stuttgart, Germany.
November 1994, Academy Theater, NY.
Unknown date and place.
Recorded at the Viper Room in Los Angeles CA
on September
Whilst on the Secret Samadhi tour Live appeared on many radio
Whilst on the Secret Samadhi tour Live appeared on many radio
This is a great recording of Dusted.
This is a cover of a Guided by