1/27/2000 Alright, they're finally up. Hopefully, comming in March, we should be recording at a studio with actual TRACKS and effects and takes etc. This all means much better quality and hopefully less mess ups! But until then, enjoy these fresh servings of warm juicy undecided...
1/27/2000 Well, we finally got some songs up. I only had time to add these two songs (Ap sec. and company), and mp3.com already aproved them. I think our actual page on mp3.com will take awhile to be aproved. I just today uploaded about five more of our songs, they should be up by friday! Yeah, we're still waiting on Riffage.com to approve, they said they were having some "technical difficulties". Enjoy the mp3's and take part in our poll! Thanks.
1/12/2000 MP3's ARE FINALLY ON THERE WAY!! Currently there are being reviewed on www.Riffage.com, and should be posted in the next few days (hopefully by the weekend). Search for us then, I'll link up the MP3's when I have more time. Thanks!
1/11/2000 We've been looking into recording at Josh Komer's studio, a friend of ours. Most likely just for a short demo, or to record the songs for the upcomming Turbo Surf video. Songs: Company Comming or Airport Security. Take our poll!
11/3/99 WOAH! Once we get the CD recording of our MNL performance (it has to be picked up from the studio), we will have the songs up here in MP3 and real audio formats SOON. We are currently looking for space on MP3.COM. Check back for updates.
8/31/99 Argh. Well, if you haven't heard yet, the recording has been postponed, for a long time. Sean, our lead guitar player, left the band because of other priorities, so we've been reworking our songs out to have one guitarist. IT'S OKAY though, we have a new sound and the old songs are only getting better as we rewrite and write new songs. WE ARE STILL DOING MNL on OCTOBER 25th! So maybe we'll put out a tape demo (KTUH records the performance), but until then, recording probablly won't happen for a couple of months. Sorry. =(
7/21/99 HOLY SHIT. We are actually gonna do it. You've all been waiting (we hope...) for a recording that we'd let you people hear, and now we're finally doing it! We are going to have to work our arses off for this, as the money is all being borrowed. Depending on how effecient we are with our alotted time, we should get at least three songs out of the studio, quite possibly four or five. I believe we are recording "Stood Up", "Jim Hinklie Hits the Floor", "6AM", and "Undecided". You're probablly wondering if we're just going to pull the other recorded songs out of our arses (pardon my obsession), which we might have to if MNL doesn't work out. We hope to throw a couple live versions of songs on the EP (recorded live off of KTUH's mixing board) that we don't get to in the studio. But, only if they sound good enough. As for a price, we're not sure. Definetly in the range of four to nine bucks, depending on how spiffy we make it look (as spiffyness=more $$$). So check back and PLEASE sign up on our mailing list. THANKS! -Ryan de tena sax playa.
(sometime in early '99) HEY! Good news, I have the software to put up our songs, all I need now is the hardware.... We plan to record, through an all miced PA system, the Shabang show, April 30th. If we don't sound like total crap (how rare is that?) I'll put them up. I'm going to try to put them up in RealAudio, so every one can listen to them. But for now, it looks like if you want to hear what we sound like, you'll have to go to our shows page and go to a show. Support the scene! -Ryan