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BAND: The place to go for all the need-to-know info about Park Avery, including Frequently Asked Questions, interviews, and biographies.

NEWS: What have they been up to lately? Check out this section to find out the latest dirt on the band, as well as to see what we've done to the website recently.

SONGS: Looking for lyrics, tabs, interpretations, or sound clips? This is the place to be.

ALBUM: For all the newest news on Park Avery's debut album, go here. Also includes studio notes and reflections.

PHOTOS: I wonder what we'd put in a section titled "Photos"?... if you want pictures, logos, or anything graphical, come hither.

LINKS: After you've checked out our page, visit our friends, sponsors, and people who bribe us (yeah right).

MORE: Also known as superfluous, miscellaneous stuff... merchandise, games, contests, things like that are all in here.

CONTACT: So you wanna e-mail Park Avery? This is the place to be.

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