Regarding the Library, MANIA Maven, and various other often seen email inquiries...

If there's one thing I know for certain, it's that there simply aren't enough hours in a day. The amount of time and effort I invest in maintaining the Library for your enjoyment leaves little time for answering emails filled with questions I've been asked more times than I can count (let alone squeazing any personal correspondance in). That's why I've decided to ignore the cliché feel of it all, and succumb to the overwhelming need to establish an FAQ section on MANIA. Though some of these Q's may sound bizarre, each and every one is something I've been asked more times than I can count. So, read on and perhaps you'll find yours among them!

Q)Who are you? Can you tell me about yourself? I mean, details?

Who am I? Who are you? LOL. There's a good reason I tend to view this question as perverse. To be considered a MANIAc, one must spend at least some time browsing through the Library shelves and the various features therein. It is my hope that you are picking up on the type of person I am simply by reading my work, my opinions given in the soapbox-esque column "From Where I Sit...", and by my taste in fan fiction as illustrated by the "Four Star Fic Picks" and "The MANIAc Award". I think I've been fairly uninhibited in expressing myself on this site and truly, if you're that interested in knowing "who I am", perhaps you should hone your reading comprehension skills. Details? Like what? My favorite brand of cheese is good ol' American Kraft, I sleep with my socks on because my feet get cold, and the color of my toothbrush is teal. I think that just about covers it.

Q)How did Backstreet MANIA get started?

I'm glad you asked! Well, some of you might remember when MANIA wasn't dedicated solely to fan fiction. The Library used to be one of those all out fan sites, featuring everything from shrines, to humor, to quizzes. At that time, it was run by several ladies, myself included, and worked fairly well. However, once my counterparts called it quits, I took on the task of turning MANIA into something I could be proud of. Having already been the "Librarian" of the bunch, I simply allowed the various 'books' stocked on the shelves to overflow. Since December of 1999, MANIA has become a reader's paradise, and only a reader's paradise.

Q)When will the Library be updated? Can you email me when it is?

I've received several compliments on the frequency and sheer volume of the updates performed on MANIA, and to be perfectly candid, those kind words made my day. Maintaining a website demands plenty of blood, sweat, and toil. It's definitely not something everyone has the time and energy to do, and honestly - I never knew I had it in me. Due to my hectic work schedule, personal relations, and various other committments, I confine my updates to the weekends. Lately, I've been working on an update set basis (a planned schedule of what stories are due to be updated and the number of chapters to be included) over the course of Saturday and Sunday, keeping a running commentary of additions on the main Library index. Sunday evening is usually the time I send out email notification upon completion of the *entire* set. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to email everyone personally whenever the site has been updated. However, I urge you to sign up for MANIAc Updates (courtesy of Listbot), if you'd like to get "in the know". You can locate the subscription grid on the main Library index.

Q)Where do you find all of the quality reads featured on MANIA?

Sheer luck. I am a very, very, very blessed person in that, most of the hosted stories that have come to rest upon the Library shelves were the fruition of internet friendships. I'm also honored to count myself among the Howie Harem ranks, where Kim Ann, Lisa & MaryB, and (recently) Carrie Ann and Cheryl are also proud hootchies. Other authors submit their stories to me via email, and still others by word of mouth. Several of the hosted authors have been instrumental in bringing new authors and their works to my attention for hosting. I am eternally grateful to each and every one of the ladies who contribute so much to MANIA on an outstanding regular basis.

Q)How do you choose award winners? How can I nominate a story for the MANIAc Award?

To nominate a story, please read about the criteria and submission process. To put it quite simply, I choose award winning works based largely on my own reaction as I read the piece and the reaction/recommendation of others who have been kind enough to point me in the right direction. I'm a very interactive reader. I read books and online stories in the same animated manner I watch TV...I shout, cringe, cry, laugh, squeal, and make a general ass out of myself which makes me thankful that I'm usually alone while reading. Basic elements that make a top ten bestseller (or close to it) weigh heavily on my decisions. Things like plot, character development, and originality are key.

Q)Why do you write the "From Where I Sit" column? You never say anything of any importance and you're commentaries are ridiculous. Why don't you just save yourself the bytes?

Ouch! My heart bleeds....No, seriously, my view from the cheap seats is posted for several reasons. One: I have a lot to say on a regular basis and those who're close to me are tired of hearing me bitch and moan about the injustices marring the music industry...not to mention all those other issues I often feel the need to discuss. Two: The seats offer the perfect forum not only for me to vent my spleen, but to prompt a little in depth thought. Believe it or not, I get just as many emails regarding my views expressed in "From Where I Sit" as I do regarding the "Dear Friend" saga. Not all of the emails are in complete agreement with my take on the subject, (case in point: the email from which this particular question was garnered) but I've engaged in some pretty interesting -not to mention diverting- discussions with readers. Three: have you seen the going rates for a therapist, lately?! Prepostrous, I tell you.

Q)Howie's a troll. Why do you like him?

I've been more than candid in stating the many reasons I find myself hopelessly devoted to the Butterscotch Babe. If you should need a refresher course in my faithful fanaticism, then please see the cheap seat entry entitled, "An explanation of my devotion to the Latin Lover" (or something very similar). Oh, and hey! Watch who you're callin' a troll. Not all of us are blessed with a 5'11" stature. For the record, the PC term is "vertically challanged". Remember that.

Q)How do you feel about sexually explicit fan fic?

Geez, what a loaded question. I don't have any moral or ethical objection to authors writing the Boys into sex scenes; I don't even have a problem with the "slash" fics (stories featuring the Boys in homosexual situations). After all, the key word in our craft is "fiction". Writing is a time honored method of expressing one's self, be it through sexual fantasies, storybook romantic daydreams, or running into your idea of the perfect man in a grocery store. It's all about the author and what he or she chooses to express. As Sheryl Crow said, "Whatever makes you happy; it can't be that bad."
Regarding which I prefer (WWTT friendly fics versus visuals): it really depends upon my mood. I've found that the stories featuring sex 'n' scandal are generally more well written than the school girl crushes often found on the web. The reason for that asertation is that, the authors of these stories are generally adults and are more in touch with the harsh realities of this world. And honestly: it's a guilty pleasure. I love reading those pieces which deal with issues of every kind, not just a boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl live happily ever after type fic. Call me crazy, but I want drama. Probably why I tape Passions while I'm bustin' my butt in the work place. That's not to say that a certain amount of innocence can't make a great fic - it can! (*cough*DearFriend*cough*) long as it's written in an entertaining, mature manner. I'm sure you'll see the diversity of my taste showcased in the Four Star Fic Picks. There's a pleasing mix of innocence and scandal, enough to dazzle anyone's fancy.

Q)Can you write a story about AJ/Howie/Nick/Brian/Kevin and me?

I'm really very flattered, but the answer is no. I'm sorry, but I honestly don't have time to personalize fics for the masses. It's hard enough to balance my personal life, my "online" life, committments and obligations in the work place, and my own writing without having to find time to pen a specialty story. Besides, I'm sure if you put your mind to it - YOU can write one on your own.

Q)What is a copyright? How can I get one? Are your fics copyrighted?

A copyright is a designation of ownership often signified by the © symbol. "Copyright" is literally "the right of copy" which belongs to the owner or author of the work in question. Yes, my work is copyrighted, as is every piece featured on the MANIA shelves. As soon as an individual establishes something in writing (be it on paper or computer document), they automatically assume the right of copy. However, this right is often times difficult to prove, particularly from a legal stance should someone plagerise your work. That's why it's generally recommended that you register your copyright with the Library of Congress. Registering your work grants official confirmation/validation of your right of copy. Registration also gives you the right to pursue legal action against any party who chooses to infringe upon your copyright. You can access more information regarding copyright, the registration process, and what works are covered by copyright law, by visiting the Copyright Office webpage. For the record, I am currently in the process of registering the copyrights of my stories. The entire process takes about 6 months, but I believe it's worth it to safeguard your efforts. While the government does impose a registration fee, you can cut costs by submitting your stories as a "collection". Trust me, that's the way to go.

Q)Do you really live in Seattle? Is it really like you described in "Dear Friend"?

In the (somewhat cleaned up) words of the infamous Hootchie #6, Divachickie herself: "Does the Pope potty?" LOL! Yes, I am a Seattlite, born and bred. I've lived in or around Sea-town my entire life and have loved every waking moment of the time I spend here....well, almost. I will conceed, however, that my view of the Emerald City is probably tinged with romantic, rose colored glasses. I'm definitely someone who looks for beauty in every nook and cranny, and Seattle is no exception. Yes, the Space Needle really is 600 feet tall, yes there really IS a butterfly exhibit at the Seattle Science Center, and yes the Dahlia Loungue, Fenix Underground, and Seattle Center are really REAL places. Chemelyn's cafe, however, is a figment of my is her particular apartment building, though there are many like it in downtown Seattle.

Q)Are the Howie Hootchies real? Can I be one or is it some sort of secret society?

Yes, the Howie Harem is real. Yes, we are hootchies! The Howie Hootchies are a group of (mostly) adult fans who all happen to share a deep appreciation for Sweet D. We're an email discussion list that started out as many moons ago. Recently, hosted author and Head Howie Harem Hootchie, Kim Ann, penned her wildly popular "Paging Dr. Lonely Heart" series which launched the hootchies into the lime light. Our humble beginnings (average of 14 members for a year to a year and a half) gave way to fanatical proportions (we're now 79 hootchies strong) making us the bonafide web entity we are today! And now, honorary hootchies need not even be Howie devotees. We certainly have our fair share of Nick, Kevin, and AJ fans as well as a sprinkling of Brian admirers. Yes, the hootchie life is a good life, and if you're interested in becoming a hootchie, I'm sure that with a little brain power, you too could figure out the list name to search for on *wink*

Well, that's all for now. If you have a question you think belongs up here among the rest, please feel free to email me. I'll be adding more as time goes by, and I sincerely hope this FAQ section will A) cut down on the amount of repetitive email I receive and B) grant you a greater insight to my psyche. Now, why are you still here?! Get back to the stories already!

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