Real Stories Kathy Borne, Certified Hypnotherapist, says that hypnotherapy can assist peoaple in wide variety circumstances, From overcoming the fear to medical precdures to improving the way one deals with everyday stresses.Here are a few clients' responses: With the help of hypnosis from Kathy, I was able to go from a state of crying and feeling deep sadness and turmoil, to a sense of peace, quiet calm. What a great way to transition your body and mind to a better state You have improved my life. I feel so much better
I can't believe i am able to relax and calm myself. Thank you for teaching me how.
I am making the right choices while shopping and eatin - without even thinking about it. I feel so much better. Wow, my golf game has really improved! My baby's delivery was fast and smoother than I could have ever imagined.
Kathy Horne
Certified Hypnotherapist
(408) 316-3914
or email her: Khtravler@hotmail.com
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