Chapter 6

Midnight Fairy quickly, quietly crept back to her apartment. She had almost been caught! That one girl definately noticed me. I have to be more careful, she scolded herself.

"Especially since there was an article in the newspaper," she mumbled bitterly. She had always been so careful with her killings. She had been so hungry though, that she forgot to slit her victim's throat. But now, she had found a new group of teens and this was a big group. A big group with alot of blood, she thought as she smiled.

That oldest one is the key, she thought. She had been watching that family of three long-haired boys. I think their name is Hanson. She didn't bother with names. She hadn't bothered with names in the past 100 years, so she wouldn't bother now. She sprawled on her couch and began thinking of how she would put her plan into motion.

She would meet the oldest in a casual way. At a store or something. No way can he resist me, she thought. She looked at her attire. Tight, black leather pants. Black boots, which contained her knife. She also wore a tight, black leather long-sleeved shirt that zipped up. There was no way he could resist her outfit, her hair, or her pale, blue eyes. Or the way I'll come on to him, she thought and smiled. He was good-looking, she had to admit, but she couldn't get involved. Yes, she thought as she twirled her black hair. He is the key and the beginning of my whole plan.

Chapter 7

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hanson_stories@hotmail. com