White Raven Angel's Cathedral

I am a Shadow Dancer
Who haunts the endless night
I dance, alone, in shadows
Searching always for the light.
I dance to hide the memories...
The sorrow and the pain.
A heart, once whole, in pieces,
Washed away inside the rain.
The light, I flee its brilliance.
The darkness, call my own.
I walk this Earth, a nomad.
The shadows are my home.

----written by White Raven Angel

In this life, we all search for something. We wander this earth, nomads...searching for the one thing that will fulfill our dreams. For some, its money...for others, material things...but the one thing we all truly search for in this life, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or age...is happiness.
Happiness fulfills us. It gives us purpose in this world. It gives us a path to reach our dreams. Happiness is the basis for all our other emotions..love...hate..anger...these all come about from threats to our happiness. Ahhh but I go on. *smiles softly*
I know this might sound cheesy to some, but I make it my purpose in this life to bring happiness to those I care most about. It is a well known fact that I will do almost anything for someone I call a friend. Friendship is a very special bond between two wanderers, finding a common interest, and forging a bond between each other that can last forever. And it is the beauty of friendship that can often lead to the wonder of love.
Love...wow, a person could talk forever on the subject of love. But what is love, really? A chemical imbalance? A fantasy dreamed up by greeting card makers to boost sales? No...it's none of these. I believe we come to this earth imperfect halves.....constantly searching, driven by the desire for happiness and completion, to find that other half, that special someone who can make us feel complete. And once we find that person, wow...things just explode....everything looks brighter, things smell better, taste better..and all is good in the world. I think it was said best in the movie City of Angels. In the movie, an angel asked Nicolas Cage, who played an angel fallen from heaven for the woman he loves, if it was worth it. He looked up, and said, in a perfectly calm voice, "One touch from her hand...one taste of her kiss..one smile from her lips...One...I'd rather have had only one of any of these, than to live an eternity without them." That's love, in its purest, truest form. Some of us are lucky to find it...some never do, but we never stop searching for it.

Email me in the meantime. Or contact me via ICQ #5223834..Looking forward to hearing from ya.
Come back anytime...Cathedrals never close.

As you wander the Cathedral....stop for a time, and visit the rooms within it.....and partake of their beauty.....
White Raven's Gallery of Poets
The Story of White Raven Angel
Vampofthenite and White Raven Angel--A Love to Last a Lifetime
The Resting Place of Vampofthenite and White Raven Angel

Other Places of Beauty and Darkness

Vampo's Jukebox
Keltic's Haven
The House of Toreador
Mstrss's Realm
Sage's Santuary
Liana's Lair
Lady White Craven's Realm
The Malkavian Playground
Lord Freeza's Realm
The Asylum of the Angel of Sin

You are hearing..Angel..by Sarah McLachlan

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The Mark Of Those That Came Before
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This site was created by WhiteRavenAngel

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