-= Links =-

Disinformation - So you don't beleive that the CIA pushes drugs? Tested LSD on hundreds of Americans without their consent? Tried to elimante any and all ethnic movements? Go here and read, please. It's scary.

The Official Rage Against the Machine Homepage - Wow! Theyre finally changinf ratm.com and Morello say's there going t otry and get it updated weekly!

The Official Canibus Homepage - If you like rappers like KRS-1, that actually talk about real stuff, be sure to check out Canibus. He's honestly amazing.

Tha Terrordome - This is largest and the best Rage Against the Machine discography you'll come across.

The Weathermen - A good place to go to if your looking for rage merchandise. They have a nice selection of rage shirts and video's. They're reliable to. I've ordered from them and never had any problems.

Zapata94's Homepage - Definetly one of the best traders I've ever come across. Lots of good bands to trade too.

The RATM FAQ - A very informative FAQ. This thing will tell you more than you wanted to know about rage. It's done by Gavin Rattmann, nice guy.

The Trade - A good place to go to find other traders who have the same intrests as you.

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