Bass Ackwards #1: The Very First Issue


* Some May Call Me Crazy...- Rena venting about the destructive advancement of technology

*Dear Gracious Reader-a letter to YOU! (go read it)

* Bass Ackwards Does Comedy Central- Telling you the goods and the bads

* Who are THEY?- Questioning language mannerisms

* Alissa's Advice Corner- Setting the loonies straight

* Like Our Opinion Really Matters- Music Reviews

* *No One's Victim*: California Punkrock- Band review and advertisement. Just Rena helping out a friend.

* Poetry- letting the creative juices flow

* Stop with the Trends!- what pisses Alissa off

* The Amazing Nipple Phenomenon- see title

* The Definition of the High School Zine- a memo, well, more like a mission statement