Bass Ackwards #2: We Actually Made It To Another Issue!!!


* Mighty Mighty Reel Big SELL OUT?- See title

* Code Red- Breakin' the boundaries of red hair stereotypes

* "Check" Other- "Race" for acceptance

* Man Oh Man Oh Marlboro Man- the all-American family

* Spit on if Found- KILL THE SNOBS!!!!

* Dentist Conspiracy- Conspiracy Theory (minus Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts)

* Contests- Designing our next cover and Become the next Mr or Ms. Bass Ackwards '97

* Stop This War- Seeing unity on the "scenic" route

* Interview With the Hot Topic Shoppers- us poking fun at people (go read it!)

* Another Installment of Alissa's Advice Corner

* You Can Decide For Yourself But...- Reviewing the punk and ska

* On the People's Defense- Defining punkrock

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