Bass Ackwards #3: The insanity continues...

With stuff like...

*PIETASTERS INTERVIEW- Weee!! We finally got one! (And you can read some of it for yourself)

*DIY Fashion with Farmboy- How to be as punkrock as Mike

*It's Bitchin'!!!- 6 easy steps to bitch rearing (it's a funny one!)

*Living In the Wonderful World of Double Standards- be smart--> make enemies

*Part II: Down With Resentment- if you say you want to kill yourself then just shut up and do it, goddammit!!

*Where Everybody Knows Your Name- observations of a ritualistic generation

*Meet the Writers- it's us, uncut, uncensored

*It's Kickass!- Entertainment for us dorks--> South Park! Alright!

*Show Ratings- What's the deal?

*Like Our Opinion Matters- Punk, ska,

*The Poetry Corner- Free verse for the cynics and disturbed

*We'll Always have Saturday Mornings- Cartoons for us big people