(Or: Disclaimer stuff to keep Yours Truly from being sued or held legally liable...!)

Site Creation:

* This website was created using various software programs, including Microsoft Front Page Express, Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word, MGI Photo Suite 8.06, Paint Shop Pro 6.0 & 7.0, Microsoft Picture It! Express, and Yahoo! Page Builder.



* Photos were culled from various sources on the Internet. Most photos do not have individual credits, nor could I even begin to recall each image's original source. If any photo(s) on this site are copyrighted or the property of an individual who has not been otherwise acknowledged, please send the webmistress an e-mail notification. These images will be properly credited to their respective owner or taken off my site, depending on owner preference.


Articles/Features/News Releases:

* All articles/stories featured on this website were re-printed for use on this site and have been individually credited to the original author(s) within the article's page. None of the articles or news/press releases featured are the creation of the webmistress, except where indicated.


Site Surveys, Essays, Quizzes and Enhanced/Edited Images:

* All original content featured within this site (including surveys, essays/short story features, quizzes, and/or images edited or enhanced with the use of imaging software) was created exclusively by, and is the express property of, the webmistress (Marla Forde), unless otherwise indicated.