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What could be as special as the new Westlife album? A 'Life collectors feature in TOTP mag of course! We gave each lad a cover then dug deep into their private lives. Ready? let's start with Kian.

Do you have any teddies or cuddly toys?
Yeah lots! About 150! I only keep 50 in my bedroom and they're all from fans. I had a really, really nice brown cuddly bear that I got from a girl years ago. That was really sweet.

OK, so what's under your bed at home?
Nothing - it's a solid bed. It has drawers, but they're filled with old socks and jocks and stuff that I never have time to throw away. I just chuck all the stuff I don't use into my room and Mum puts it wherever.

Who was the last famous person you had a rude dream about?
Toni Braxton! It was weird. We were in the French record company and I fell asleep on the couch. In the dream Toni Braxton came in. I was on the couch and we had a cup of tea and then we had a snog and so on and so on! I'm not even a fan of hers - that's what's really strange. I mean she's a beautiful-looking woman but...

Do you worry about going bald?
Um, no! It doesn't really bother me. It would if it happened when I was young. If I go bald at 20, there's something wrong.

Are you superstitious about anything?
What's meant to be is meant to be. I don't know if you would call that a superstition or not, but whatever happens in my life I think if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. Things happen for a reason. I think the world is controlled - by God I suppose. But if I see a ladder, I won't walk under it if I can help it.

Do you worry about your bank account dipping under the million mark?
Once it reaches the million mark I'll worry about it going under! We have our pay cheques and we've made a lot, an awful lot of money - more than most of us could ever dream of. Which is very nice, don't get me wrong. But I don't look at it and worry about it - I invest it. I'm buying houses and stuff. I don't tell anyone how much I earn. If I'm asked how much I earn, I say 'enough'. I could tell you now how much I have to the penny and you'd probably go 'Wow!' What difference does it make?

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