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Making a website can be almost as hard as making an album... I could imagine, anyway! So there is some people I feel I HAVE to thank. So here we go!
Mum and dad... For bearing not only one but two daughters who are addicted to not only one but two boybands... And thanks for paying the phonebills - I know using Internet is expensive, but thanks for letting me do it anyway! And Gela, my sister. Thanks for being a great friend! You're the one who understands even all my craziest ideas... ; )
Karina, I'm proud to own the Finnish WFU correspondent. And thanks for being one of my best friends ever. Let's write a bestseller together, huh? : )
Elli, Piia, Heppuli, Reeta, Katja and Tanja, thanks for sharing wonderful Westlife experiences! Nothing's better than having a dream come true with friends!
Massive thanks to Hanna for banners, buttons etc. Keep boybanding... (Or whatever!) And Sari for translating articles, a concert review etc.
The biggest ever thank you goes to Ruth. You're a great friend, and thanks for everything you've done: photos, delivering Christmas greetings, personal messages from Mark and Nicky... That piece of paper is still my most treasured possession!
All my visitors... You're like my fans, LOL! Well honestly, without you I wouldn't be here. So thanks!
This may seem off-topic, but I have to say it - thanks to Boyzone for getting me interested in Westlife. You guys are the best band ever, and no band in this world can ever replace you.
And last but definitely not least... I know I just said that Boyzone is my favourite band, but at least I'm honest, right? Anyway, TONS OF MASSIVE THANKS AND LOTS OF LOVE to Westlife for your great music and for making me smile. I really think boybands are needed in this world, if they can make people as happy as you make me.

© 2001 Pami


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