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  Updated Aug.7, 1998
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original drawingHey guys! Thanks for being here! I'm Vicki and I've been a Carpenters fan since 1992. I was 16 years-old then. My friends at school did not even know who the Carpenters were, until I introduced them to their music. I liked - and still like - many different kinds of music , such as The Beatles, Mariah Carey, ABBA, Bread, the Spice Girls, Chicago, O. Newton-John, Ella, Nancy LaMott, Country Music in general,  and so many others! However, the Carpenters for me are above all of them. Richard's rare musical genius and Karen's unique voice make the perfect combination for what is purely a charming sound. Carpenters stand for sophisticated, yet simply beautiful harmonies, the BEST arrangements and, above all, a unique voice, probably the best ever: Karen Carpenter's. 
There are already a considerable number of Carpenters' Pages on the Internet. It seems like Only Yesterday that I was browsing the net for the first time, and there were only 5 or 6...With so many Carpenters Sites, I find it difficult to add new information; it's all out there already, and you can go to my links page to see it for yourself.  

So what I tried to do here was including useful information and sources, with a personal touch. I hope you like it. Anyway, this is just my own tribute to these two people from New Haven, CT, who touched so many lives through the years with their extraordinary talent, their melodies, their life stories. Enjoy your visit.

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The official Carpenters Ring graphic design is © Roberta Quadro

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