See (a few) of the things that Aly has wrong with her!

PBD - Pineapple Buddy Dependency, sufferers experience withdrawl when contact with PB is terminated for at least two weeks.
I'm sorry, but I miss my buddy, my buddy who I'm silly with. I was all by myself when she was in Spain… people thought that I was crazy, but it's much more fun to be crazy with someone else. (Hence this webpage!) Although I'm glad to get away from her when she's suffering from XC (Xris Complex)….

Food Separation Disorder, sufferer must consume all food items seperately.
Happens every day at lunch. Depending on what day it is - peanut butter sandwich, chips, desert, juice box ~OR~ pizza, chocolate milk ~OR~ pizza, cookie, chocolate milk. Always in that order. Amazin', ain't it?

PDTSID - Pig Day T-Shirt Ironing Disorder, occurs when one does not iron their Pig Day t-shirt.
*SOB* I admit it! I still haven't ironed my shirt (and if I don't, the ink will come off! We made them ourselves!) My Pig Day '99 shirt is hanging in my closet, un-ironed…. So if by a freak accident a monster washing machine comes and eats my closet, my shirt won't make it out alive! :( But is this realization going to make me iron it? Only time will tell….

Flailophobia - fear of flailing
Come on, who doesn't have this…….

FPS - Falling Pants Syndrome, most commonly developed at lunch.
I think Xris (excuse me…. 'Dr.Krisco') is making fun of me!! (Dim lightbulb appears over Aly's head.) See, it's not as bad as it sounds - one day I was wearing jeans that were a little loose around the waist. So at lunch, I hiked them up and announced that my pants were falling down. Now, since Xris was suffering from a severe bout of KC, she made up a song, and she and Laura give me a hard time about it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Why did you make me read this? Get me outta here!

Go back to Dr.Krisco's dictionary.