Supervillain Central - Bad is good, baby!

First-time visitors may want to go here to get a grip on what's going on in this strange, altered reality. Those who are used to the voices in their heads can go straight to the updates.

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[Survey] [Help/Site Map] [Evil Midnight Bomber Site] [Inferno] [Sideshow Bob] [The Brain] [Archives] [Rob Paulsen Limbo] [Awards] [Fan Fiction] [Links]


Thanks to all of the visitors who have supported this site over the years; sadly, it's time for me to leave. If anybody who knows html is interested in taking over you can send me a message and we'll see if we can work something out. Otherwise, I'm going to leave the site up as it is, because I think there's still some really cool stuff on here! You can also visit the site that takes up most of my time nowadays: The Super Mario Monster Compendium.

2004-9-1: Last update! I updated the voting in the good ol' Archives and de-activated the survey.


2000-9-18: Emergency update! :) I got an e-mail from Maurice LaMarche! (or at least someone doing a pretty good job of pretending to be Maurice LaMarche). Anyway, thanks to that, I've made some updates to the Brain and Evil Midnight Bomber sections, and poor Rob Paulsen (who no longer has a villain to be attached to) is now lost in An Interdimensional Limbo!
On top of all that, I've also added a new character to the archives/survey and updated the voting. I'm still really impressed that I got an e-mail from him. :)