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For a while there, I mistakenly considered Rob Paulsen to be The Evil Midnight Bomber. As it turns out, Maurice LaMarche is the real Bomber, and he now has two (count 'em, TWO!) pages devoted to him on this site! I figured it wouldn't be fair to make poor Mr. Paulsen disappear into the bowels of forever, especially since he's done some really good work. So, I've stuck him in this interdimensional limbo for safekeeping. With any luck, I'll find something else for him to do in a few years. :)


Rob Paulsen was born on the 11th of March, 1956. He was trained as a singer, and started to realize his talent as a voice artist when he was an adolescent. His first voice acting job was in 1983, as the characters Tripwire and Snow Job on G.I. Joe. He's also done the voice of Pinky, one of my favourite villains (if you can really consider Pinky a villain!)


I've only included the performances that are well known, or that I am a fan of, mainly because I am a jerk. (And I'm in charge. I like being in charge!)

An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000)..................PJ
Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle (1999)..........Oobedoob Benubi
Wakko's Wish (1999)......................Yakko Warner, Dr. Otto Scratchansniff, Pinky
Picture of Rob Paulsen Histeria! (1998) .... Mr. Smartypants/Histeria Kid Chorus
Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain (1998) TV Series (voice) .... Pinky
Baldur's Gate (1998 - videogame).... Chanter/Kivan/Prism/Telmen/Volo
Powerpuff Girls (1998) TV Series (as Rob Paulson)
Clayfighter 63 1/3 (1997 - videogame) .... Bonker
Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island (1997) .... Spike
"Dexter's Laboratory"(1996).........Major Glory/Fatboy/Puppetpal Mitch
"Johnny Quest: The New Adventures"(1996)....Hadji
"Jungle Cubs"(1996).........................................Akela/Hathi
"Aladdin and the King of Thieves"(1996)...........Unknown
"Spider-Man"(1995)................Morrie Bench/Hydro-Man
"A Goofy Movie"(1995)...........PJ
"The Mask"(1995)..............Stanley Ipkis/The Mask(Cartoon Series)
"Pinky and the Brain"(1995)......Pinky
"The Tick"(1995)...................Arthur(after the first season)
"Land Before Time III"(1995).............Spike
"Bump In the Night"(unknown)............Squishington
"I'm Mad"(1994-Animaniacs Short)....Yakko/Dr. Scratchansniff
"Land Before Time II"(1994)..............Spike/Strut/Chomper
"Animaniacs"(1993)..........Yakko Warner, Pinky, Dr. Otto Scratchansniff
"Sonic The Hedgehog"(1993).............Antoine
"Goof Troop"(1992)...........................PJ
"Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation (1992).......Fowlmouth/Banjo/Mr.Hitcher
"Mighty Max"(1991)..........................Max
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"(unknown).......Raphael
"The Wizard of Oz"(1990)............Unknown (I'll bet on the Scarecrow)
"Tiny Toon Adventures"(1990)......Arnold/Fowlmouth
"The Gummi Bears"(1985).............Gusto
"G.I. Joe"(1984)............................Tripwire, Snow Job
"Transformers"(1984)....................Air Raid/Slingshot/Chase/Cloudraker/Fastlane/Haywire