Hello! It's me Luna! Welcome to my Fan Fiction Zone! Here's where you gat to read fanfics written by other All Star Fans! I have provided a thorough explaination of each one so you know what it's about! Click on the title and you'll be sent to the fanfic! If you want me to show your fanfics, mail them to me! I'll be glad to show them!
- Aleksandar Gogic Sailor Moon meets DBZ
- Chapter 1: The heavenly Gate
- This is a Sailor Moon/Dragonball Z crossover in which Serena travels to the future to retrieve a grown-up Gohan to lend a hand to the Scouts in the past.
- Chapter 2: Protection
- The evil King Sharta of the Negaverse sends down a hypnotic Nega-monster and the Scouts and Gohan must put a stop to her plans!
- Rebecca Burke Scout Power
- Episode 1
- The Sailor Scouts are all together in this one! But when a ship turns up at the Cherry Hill Temple, will they be able stop it? Sounds like a new enemy to me!
- Episode 2
- The Scouts meet their newest enemy Zoyenite, Queen Beryl's daughter. Can they put a stop to her evil, or end up turning over the Purity Chalice?
- Episode 3
- It's Raye's birthday, and the Scouts are preparing a surprise party for her, but the Four Sisters of the Nega Moon have a surprise of their own!
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