Dragon Walkies

Centuries of wandering the cosmos... many centuries of drifting from place to place have finally brought me to here. Wherever that is. I can finally rest after my long and fulfilled life.

What is this? An inteloper come to accost me? No, I sense no hostility, only curiosity from this one, unlike many others who have tried to destroy or control me during my centuries of travel. Come in, come in. What is it you require young one?

Sit down, sit down. You look exhausted. What? Come from the City by the Lake? Why, that's ten days journey from here. What reason have you to come this far through demon-infested lands to see me? You want me to tell you of my travels? For a book? What book? Oh, the one you're carrying. It is blank, but has much room for tales of my vast travels through the cosmos. A fine book, a fine tome ... for a Dragon's tales. Yes, this will make a great Dragon's Tome.

The Dragon's Tome

The Dragon's Dimensional Travels

The Dragon's Journies through the World

The Dragon's Understanding of Magic

The Dragon's History

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