
My life has been long and hard. From the beginning, I was alone. My mother abandoned me within five hours of my hatching, and I have never met my father. I survived and entered adulthood with no major incidents to mar my perceptions. But, then I met the Splugorth.

I had just 'ported into a new world upon hearing a detailed description from another traveller, and was looking around, seeing what was new and interesting here. I saw what appeared to be huge barges flying arcoss the land, with towering creatures in each one, surrounded by attractive human females. Being curious, I approached intending to ask what they were doing. Imagine my surprise when the females, obviously acting under the instructions from the bargemaster, began to fire on me!

Their weapons hurt me until I managed to throw up a shield, and I retaliated with some blanketing magic and rushed away to lick my wounds and think on what had happened. I was not impressed, and stalked the barges for weeks afterwards, disrupting their passage, damaging their equipment, and generally causing mischief to annoy them - I don't think they ever really knew what had happened.

I tire, leave me and we shall contiue this some other time. Go now.

The Dragon's World

The Dragon's Dimensional Travels

The Dragon's journies through the World

The Dragon's understanding of Magic

The Dragon's history

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